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Dr Mandy Sekhon

Lecturer in Health Psychology
Application of mixed methods to develop and evaluate complex behaviour change interventions.

Dr Sekhon is a mixed methods researcher, with a PhD in Health Psychology and a background in health services research. Her research focuses on the design and evaluation of complex behavioural interventions across a range of long-term conditions.

Dr Sekhon's specific interest is in the advancement of methodology for assessing the acceptability of healthcare interventions and services. 

Dr Sekhon completed her PhD in Health Psychology, at City, University of London. The aim of her PhD was to define acceptability in the context of healthcare interventions and to develop a Theoretical Framework of Acceptability that can be applied to assess acceptability qualitatively and quantitatively from two stakeholder perspectives healthcare professionals and patients.

Prior to her current role, Dr Sekhon worked as a Research Fellow for GREAT (Gait Rehabilitation in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Trial).  The GREAT trial was a NIHR HTA funded award, and included a feasibility phase, internal pilot and a RCT. Mandy's responsibilities included, managing the local implementation of trial protocols, leading in the development and assessment of intervention acceptability and fidelity.  



Mandy's research interests include applying theory and mixed methods to design, implement and evaluate behaviour change interventions across a range of clinical conditions. Specifically, she is interested in advancing the assessment of acceptability in the context of healthcare interventions and services.

Current and recent funding awards

April 2022 – October 2023: Dinah, Crabb, Sekhon, Taylor. Acceptability of intravitreal injections in geographic atrophy (GA): An exploratory study (THE AGAIN Study) Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.             

September 2021-August 2022: Sheehan, Guise, Sekhon. Supporting Institutional Responses to Championing the Career Development and Progression of Early Career Researcher(s) UKRI UK Research and Innovation

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