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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Dr Mark Bodman-Smith

Senior Lecturer in Immunology
Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research, Research interests in Immunotherapy of cancer.

I am Senior Lecturer in Immunology in the Institute of Infection and Immunity at SGUL.  My role spans both teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and I have a research group investigating the role of immunotherapy in cancer. I head the ICVI funded research group investigating the role of the gamma delta T cell in both cancer and infection and the manipulation of this cell type by mycobacteria. 

We work in close association with Professor Angus Dalgleish and his clinical team and we have collaborative projects with a number of groups both within and outside of SGUL.

Funding for our work is from the Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy (ICVI), CRUK and Public Health England

In addition I am Deputy Head of the Graduate School (research degrees) and Associate Dean of Postgraduate Research.


I did my first degree at the University of Leeds, followed by my PhD at University College London.  I then worked for Pharma (Wellcome Biotech) before moving back to the side of righteousness with a number of Post-doctoral positions within London before arriving in Tooting.


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