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Michael Dean

Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiography
Centre for Allied Health

Michael has been a member of the Section of Diagnostic Radiography since 2018. He is currently the module leader for the Principles and Practice of Radiography 1 module, a level 4 module in the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography programme. He is also a member of the lead teaching team on Essentials of Allied Health Professions, a level 4 module on multiple AHP undergraduate programmes. He is the student clinical liaison tutor for St. Helier and Kingston Hospitals for all three years of the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography programme. Michael's research interests include education and simulated practice. He is currently the Assessments tutor for the Section of Diagnostic Radiography.

Michael completed his undergraduate BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography with St. George's University of London in 2015, before taking up a role as a Radiographer at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. In this time, he trained in multiple imaging modalities including Computed Tomography and Interventional Radiography.

Michael completed his Masters in Research (Education) in 2022 at Kingston University, where he focused on understanding first-year Diagnostic Radiography student retention and attrition. He hopes that this work will be published in 2023, with this work guiding future research in understanding the student experience, pedagogy and simulated practice. 

Michael is a member of the section of Diagnostic Radiography. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Michael enjoys teaching across all years of the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography programme, as well has his role as a Case-Based Learning (CBL) tutor supporting BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy and BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy students in their first semester. His principal teaching roles include module leadership of Principles and Practice of Radiography 1 for BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography Year 1 and being a member of the module leadership team for Essentials of Allied Health Professions for the aforementioned programmes in Year 1.

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