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Professor Michael Papadakis

Professor of Cardiology
Clinical academic in Sports Cardiology, Inherited Heart Conditions, Preventive Cardiology
Cardiovascular & Genomics Research Institute

I am a Professor of Cardiology at St George’s, University of London and an Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

I qualified at Imperial College School of Medicine in London in 2001. In 2014 I was awarded a Medical Doctora in research at King’s College London. I was awarded a Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology and the Royal College of Physicians.

I am the president for the European Association of Preventive Cardiology and the past chair of the European section of Sports Cardiology and Exercise. I am consultant to the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young who screens more than 30,000 young individuals per year for heart disease and a consultant cardiologist to the English Institute of Sport, English and Wales Cricket Board and Rugby Football Union.

My clinical and research interests include preventive cardiology, sports cardiology, inherited heart conditions and cardiac imaging.

My research interests include sports cardiology, inherited cardiac diseases, cardiovascular disease prevention including prevention of sudden cardiac death in young and athletic individuals, heart failure and cardiac imaging.

I am currently credited with more than 150 publications in peer reviewed medical journals and numerous presentations in national and international conferences. I contributed to international projects that have shaped education and clinical practice in preventive cardiology. I am the course director for a novel MSc degree in Sports Cardiology which he launched in 2016.

I have contributed to a number of projects as an expert, including the creation of the Sports Cardiology core curriculum, the Preventive Cardiology curriculum, the creation of the international ECG criteria for an athlete’s evaluation and exercise recommendations in individuals with heart disease.

Sample of top 10 original research publications:

Papadakis M, Papatheodorou E, Mellor G, Raju H, Bastiaenen R, Wijeyeratne Y, Wasim S, Ensam B, Finocchiaro G, Gray B, Malhotra A, D’Silva A, Edwards N, Cole D, Attard V, Batchvarov VN, Tome-Esteban M, Homfray T, Sheppard MN, Sharma S, Behr ER. The diagnostic yield of brugada syndrome after sudden death with normal autopsy. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71

Malhotra A, Dhutia H, Gati S, Yeo TJ, Dores H, Bastiaenen R, Narain R, Merghani A, Finocchiaro G, Sheikh N, Steriotis A, Zaidi A, Millar L, Behr ER, Tome M, Papadakis M, Sharma S. Anterior T-wave inversion in young white athletes and nonathletes: prevalence and significance. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69:1-9

Finocchiaro G, Papadakis M, Robertus JL, Dhutia H, Steriotis AK, Tome M, Mellor M, Merghani A, Malhotra A, Behr ER, Sharma S, Sheppard MN. The aetiology of sudden death in sport: Insights from a large regional registry in the United Kingdom. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016; 67:2108-2115

Gati S, Papadakis M, Papamichael ND, Zaidi A, Sheikh N, Reed M, Sharma R, Thilaganathan B, Sanjay Sharma S. Reversible de novo left ventricular trabeculations in pregnant women: Implications for the diagnosis of left ventricular non-compaction in low-risk populations. Circulation 2014;130:475-483

Sheikh N, Papadakis M, Ghani S, Zaidi A, Gati S, Adami PE, Carre F, Schnell F, Wilson M, Avila P, McKenna WJ, Sharma S. Comparison of ECG criteria for the detection of cardiac abnormalities in elite black and white athletes. Circulation 2014;129:1637-1649

Papadakis M, Raju H, Behr ER, De Noronha SV, Spath N, Kouloubinis A, Sheppard MN, Sharma S. Sudden cardiac death with autopsy findings of uncertain significance: Potential for erroneous interpretation. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2013;6:588-596.

Zaidi A, Ghani S, Sharma R, Oxborough D, Panoulas V, Sheikh N, Gati S, Papadakis M, Sharma S. Physiologic Right Ventricular Adaptation in Elite Athletes of African and Afro-Caribbean Origin. Circulation 2013;127:1783-1792

Papadakis M, Carre F, Kervio G, Rawlins J, Panoulas VF, Chandra N, Basavarajaiah S, Carby L, Fonseca T, Sharma S. The prevalence, distribution and clinical outcomes of electrocardiographic repolarisation patterns in male athletes of African/Afro-Caribbean origin. Eur Heart J 2011;32:2304-2313

Papadakis M, Raju H, Govindan M, Bastiaenen R, Chandra N, O’Sullivan A, Baines G, Sharma S, Behr ER. Low prevalence of markers of sudden cardiac death in victims of Brugada syndrome: Relevance to risk stratification. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57:2340-2345

Papadakis M, Basavarajaiah S, Rawlins J, Edwards C, Makan J, Firoozi S, Carby L, Sharma S. Prevalence and significance of T-wave inversions in predominantly Caucasian adolescent athletes. Eur Heart J 2009;30:1728-35

Course director for the MSc Sports Cardiology

Sports cardiology is a new but rapidly evolving subspecialty in cardiology.The Sports Cardiology Unit at St George’s NHS Foundation Trust is run by world-leading experts. This unique programme addresses the increasing demand for individuals with an in-depth knowledge of this discipline. This course offers access to state of the art equipment, cutting-edge research and top-level athletes. You will have the opportunity to gain a comprehensive range of expertise in Sports Cardiology and cement your practical skills for the evaluation of athletes of different demographics and sporting disciplines, as well as healthy sedentary young individuals and patients with heart disease.

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