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Dr Mohani-Preet Dhillon

Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Education and Research
Lecturer, Neuroscientist and Lead for Early Career Research Culture
Molecular & Clinical Sciences Research Institute

Mohani-Preet Kaur Dhillon is currently working as a Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Research and Education (IMBE) and a Research Fellow (Neurosciences Research Centre) at St George's University of London. She has completed a PhD in the implementation of multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in clinical populations (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and more recently, Covid-19). Her research has focused on the pathophysiological mechanisms linking lung disease and structural and functional brain abnormalities. She has led several clinical trials in collaboration with the trust. Currently, she is running a trial assessing brain changes in patients with long Covid. 

Mohani created the Equal Representation in Academia ( as a PhD student at St George's. The ERA is an initiative that aims to raise awareness of academic research careers for students from statistically underrepresented backgrounds and thereby facilitate the academic career path for those wanting to follow this route. The initiative is being rolled out across higher education institutes nationally. In keeping with her values Mohani is currently the Lead for Early Career Research Culture and aims to create a research culture strategy during her tenure.  

Mohani has won several awards for her work as an educationalist, researcher and entrepreneur. 

Research Projects

(1) Novel Vascular Manifestations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This project involves using MRI to explore mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease in patients with COPD and exploring lung-brain pathophysiological links

(2) Post COVID-19 Brain Imaging (PCBrain) Study. A prospective clinical and imaging cohort study to understand the association between macro- and micro-structural brain damage and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in patients recently discharged from hospital

Markers of Esteem

(1) Outstanding collaboration in inclusive innovation, awarded by BIG South London

(2) Education Excellence award, awarded by St George's University of London

(3) Vice Chancellor's Prize for leading work to address inequality in access to academia, awarded by St George's University of London

(4) Outstanding contribution to Postgraduate Student Diversity, awarded by Postgraduate awards:

(5) Women of the future finalist (Science)

  1. BAJAJ, M. P. K., BURRAGE, D. R., TAPPOUNI, A., DODD, J. W., JONES, P. W. & BAKER, E. H. 2018. COPD patients hospitalized with exacerbations have greater cognitive impairment than patients hospitalized with decompensated heart failure. Clinical interventions in aging, 14, 1-82.
  2. SPILLING, C. A., BAJAJ, M. P. K., BURRAGE, D. R., RUICKBIE, S., THAI, N. J., BAKER, E. H., JONES, P. W., BARRICK, T. R. & DODD, J. W. 2019. Contributions of cardiovascular risk and smoking to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-related changes in brain structure and function. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Volume 14, 1855-1866.3.
  3. MCKAY, G. J., MCCARTER, R. V., HOGG, R. E., HIGBEE, D. H., BAJAJ, M. K., BURRAGE, D. R., RUICKBIE, S., BAKER, E. H., JONES, P. W. & DODD, J. W. 2020. Simple non-mydriatic retinal photography is feasible and demonstrates retinal microvascular dilation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). PLoS One, 15, e0227175.4.
  4. PAULS, M., BINNIE, L., BENJAMIN, P., BETTERIDGE, S., CLARKE, B., DHILLON, M-P.K., [and 18 others]. 2020. Perfusion After Single-dose Tadalafil in Small vessel disease (PASTIS). Primary outcomes of a randomised clinical trial. Neurology, MS ID#: NEUROLOGY/2020/1653165.
  5. SPILLING, C.A.†, DHILLON, M-P.K.†, BURRAGE, D.R., RUICKBIE, S, BAKER, E.H., BARRICK, T.R., JONES, P.W. Factors associated with brain damage in smoking-related diseases: COPD and coronary artery disease. †Joint first author. PLOS ONE, ID: PONE-D-21-148966.
  6. BINNIE, L., PAULS, M., BENJAMIN, P., DHILLON, M-P.K., [and 19 others]. 2022. Test-retest reliability of arterial spin labelling for cerebral blood flow in older adults with small vessel disease. Translational Stroke Research.
  7. PAULS, M., BINNIE, L., BENJAMIN, P., BETTERIDGE, S., CLARKE, B., DHILLON, M-P.K., [and 18 others]. 2022. The PASTIS trial: Testing tadalafil for possible use in vascular cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, ID: 2015-001234-20.
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