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Dr Saranne Weller

Reader in Higher Education Practice and Development
Course Director for the Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare and Biomedical Education
Education Strategy & Development Office

Dr Weller is Reader in Higher Education Practice and Development in the Centre for Innovation and Development in Education and works as an academic developer and researcher of higher education teaching and learning.

She is Course Director and Module Leader for the Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare and Biomedical Education.

She contributes to the university EduFocus continuing professional development programme of workshops. She supports SHINE, the university Advance HE Fellowship recognition scheme, and oversees the university peer observation and review of teaching (PORT) scheme.

Dr Weller started teaching as a Graduate Teaching Assistant while completing her doctoral studies at the University of Warwick. She has had a 15 year career as an academic developer and researcher in higher education pedagogy at the University of Surrey and King's College London. She was awarded the Society for Research into Higher Education Prize for Newer Researchers in 2008 and is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA).

She subsequently took on institutional leadership roles as Associate Dean, Learning, Teaching and Enhancement at the University of the Arts London in 2014 and Director of Research-Informed Teaching in 2016. She joined St George's in September 2018.

She has extensive experience as an external examiner including previously for BPP, Oxford Brookes University and the University of Nottingham. She is currently the external examiner for the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice at the University of York. She has also acted as the external examiner for two recent EdD examinations at University College London.

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