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The City St George’s Neurosciences Clinical Academic Group (Neurosciences CAG) is proud of the Allied Health Professional Clinical Academics working within St George’s NHS University Hospitals Trust and City St George’s University of London. They form an important and growing number of academics, developing expertise in important areas of neuroscience such as self-management, functional neurological disorders, and vestibular rehabilitation.

The Neurosciences CAG aims to engage and support Allied Health Professionals who:

  • are interested in starting in research
  • are developing their research careers

The National Institute for Health Research provides an integrated clinical-academic career pathway structure for AHPs. The Neurosciences CAG is keen to support AHPs to move through the pathway.

HEE-NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme

The HEE-NIHR ICA Programme provides research training awards specifically for allied health professionals. The programme offers five levels of awards: predoctoral, doctoral, post-doctoral, clinical lecturer and senior clinical lecturer. City St George’s has an excellent track record in the ICA Programme

AHP academic careers diagram


For full summary of all fellowships NIHR, visit the Fellowships webpage

Your Path in Research campaign 

Research Active AHPs at City St George’s

Fiona Jones AHP 

Fiona Jones MBE

Diploma Physiotherapy, MSc, PG Cert, PhD

Role: Professor of Rehabilitation Research, City St George's University of London and Kingston University. CEO of Bridges Self-Management (Social Enterprise run in partnership with SGUL and Kingston University)

Special Interests: Self-Management, Rehabilitation Codesign, Implementation Science and Mixed Methods Research

Current Research: Chief Investigator LISTEN project. (Long COVID Personalised Self-managemenT support - co-design and EvaluatioN) £1.1million.

The LISTEN project will work in partnership with individuals to co-design and evaluate a package of self-management support that can be tailored to individual needs.


 Anne Marie Logan AHP

Anne Marie Logan

Grad Dip Phys, MSc MMACP

Role: Consultant Physiotherapist in Headache

I have recently finished the NIHR Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship and submitted an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship application.

Special Interests: Self-Management and Migraine

Current Research:  TRIUMPH study of the long term, real world evidence of Galcanezumab. 

 Elizabeth Taylor AHP

Elizabeth Taylor

MA (Hons), PgDip OT, MSc, PhD

Role: Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy/ Post-doctoral researcher, Centre for Allied Health, City St George’s University

Special Interests: Rehabilitation, stroke, health services research, arts for health, policy and practice.

Current Research: Brain Waves: Accessing creative cultural activity for people with brain injury through and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.


 Glen N AHP

Glenn Nielsen

BSc Hons (Physiotherapy), PHD

Role: Senior Lecturer in Neurological Physiotherapy, Molecular and Clinical Sciences, Neuroscience Research Centre, and Honorary Consultant Physiotherapist, City St George’s University Hospital

Special Interests: Rehabilitation for functional motor symptoms.

Current Research: Physio4FMD – a multicentre randomised controlled trial of specialist physiotherapy for functional motor disorder. Observational study of functional somatosensory symptoms.


 David Herdman AHP

David Herdman


Role: Principal Neurological & Vestibular Physiotherapist, St George’s University Hospital, and NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow, King’s College London

Special Interests: Vestibular and balance disorders. Health Psychology.

Current Research: INVEST – a feasibility study of psychologically informed physiotherapy for people with persistent vestibular symptoms


 Advice and Mentorship

If you would like to know more about AHP research at City St George’s or if you are seeking support to start your own research, get in touch with the Neurosciences CAG at

Who else can help?

Council for Allied Health Professionals Research (CAPHR)

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