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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

A consistent strategic aim for research on City St George’s (Tooting) campus has always been to maximise the value of the co-location of City St George’s (Tooting campus) with St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and associated organisations. 

Infection is a key area of clinical strength within the Trust and City St George’s University of London. The Clinical Academic Group (CAG) in Infection and Immunity (I&I) brings together clinicians, clinical academics and academics from the University and NHS doctors and allied health professionals from the Trust, as well as patient representatives. The aim of the I&I CAG is to enable and support translational research, creating opportunities to add value both to clinical research (for example, by improving mechanistic understanding) and basic science research. 


Our vision for the next five years is to develop a national and international hub for excellence in infection research and clinical practice which provides outstanding and unique research, teaching, clinical and training services to the local and global community.


By providing  research focus and momentum the CAG will:

  • build on a successful existing structure to improve clinical research links

  • allow collaborations to extend to other clinical specialtiesprovide new routes into research, enhance clinical translation of basic research and strengthen clinical research by improving fundamental and mechanistic understanding

  • promote excellence by bringing academic scrutiny to bear on clinical practice and by creating a stimulating, enquiring environment for professional development

  • raise the profile of infection at City St George’s, both internally and externally

  • identify and recognise infection as a key clinical strength within the Trust and the university to enable strategic bids for infection-related commissioning opportunities

  • help to attract more clinical trainees and young scientists to City St George’s Increase joint publications and successful funding applications from members working across the Trust and SGUL

  • link to the emergent CAG environment and provide a coherent narrative to the clinical research environment at City St George’s.

The I&I CAG is led by a Director: Tihana Bicanic, supported by an administrator and a 20-member Steering Committee which meets quarterly to set key priorities and monitor performance. The I&I CAG organises regular members’ research and educational networking meetings to maximise research training and mentorship opportunities for aspiring academic clinicians and allied health professionals, disseminates funding opportunities and promotes joint publications from CAG members.

To enquire about becoming a member of the I&I CAG, please email Janet Guthrie on

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