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Complete the form below by Friday 29 November to register your attendance for Research Day 2024.

  • Register to attend Research Day 2024
    Register to attend Research Day 2024 on Wednesday 11 December by completing this short form. You can also submit a poster abstract via this form.
  • Name
  • Research Day lunch and drinks reception
    Please let us know if you would like to attend our lunch and post-event reception on Research Day 2024.
  • Would you like to attend the Research Day lunch?
  • Would you like to attend the drinks reception at the end of Research Day? (Held in the Collaborative Space)
  • Submit a poster abstract
    Submit your abstract for Research Day by Thursday 31 October 2024. This will be presented as a poster on the day. All abstracts are accepted for presentation. Posters are required to be uploaded by Friday 8 November (learn more at You will be asked to stand by and present you poster on Research Day on Wednesday 11 December. Posters will be reviewed by a judging team both online and on the day and considered for an award in the 3 categories (see below).
  • Are you submitting a poster abstract?
  • Poster abstract submission
    Please provide information about your poster abstract.
  • Poster abstract award submission category
  • Would you like to submit another poster abstract? (Max. 3 submissions per person)
  • 2. Poster abstract award submission category
  • Would you like to submit another poster abstract? (Max. 3 submissions per person)
  • 3. Poster abstract award submission category
  • Submit your details
    Thank you for providing us with your information. To complete the form please click the "Submit" below, or hit "Previous page" option to review your answers.


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