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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Research Day took place on Wednesday 7 December 2022 at City St George's, University of London (Tooting campus). This Research Day was  dedicated specifically to St George’s research as we have  merged with City to become City St George’s.

You can see a summary of the programme below and can also view the full programme booklet here (PDF).

research day programme




9:45am - 9:50am

Welcome and the REF from Jon Friedland

The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, L0)

9:50am - 10:40am

“Impact and Arrivals” session

Presentations of 2 of our impact cases from the REF and 3 of our new arrivals:

  • Jason Hinds: ‘Novel molecular serotyping technology advances worldwide pneumococcal vaccine impact and development.’
  • Sanjay Sharma: ‘Preventing sudden death in the best by refining a cheap test!’
  • Marta Futema: Finding FH to prevent coronary heart disease’
  • Lindsay Bearne‘Stepping forwards: supporting walking behaviour change in people with peripheral arterial disease’
  • Kirsty Le Doare: ‘Driving strategies to prevent neonatal Group B streptococcal infection’.

The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, L0)

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10:40am - 2pm

Poster presentations

Boardrooms and Alistair Hunter Room (Jenner Wing, L2)

12pm - 2pm


Student Union Bar (Jenner Wing, L2)

2:30pm - 2:45pm


The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, L0)

Join this session on MS Teams.

2:45pm - 3:45pm

St George’s, Research Awards

Presentation by winners in each category:

  • Outstanding Research Publication (2021-22)
  • Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Scientist Award
  • Excellence in Public/Civic Engagement in Research
  • Prize for Outstanding Research Achievement by a University Lecturer
  • Prize for Outstanding Research Achievement by a University Senior Lecturer.

The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, L0)

3:45pm - 4pm


4pm - 5pm

The Thomas Young Lecture: Professor Sir Mark Caulfield

Transforming precision healthcare: Making personalised diagnoses and tailoring treatment.

The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, L0)

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5pm - 7pm


H0.1/H0.2 (Hunter Wing, L0)


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