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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

About the LEAF Programme

The School of Health and Medical Sciences' participation in the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) programme is part of the


 university’s commitment to reducing our carbon footprint.

It is estimated that laboratories are responsible for around 2% of global plastic waste and use 3-10 times more energy per metre squared than a typical office.

We are joining 85 global institutions already taking part to help address the climate and ecological emergencies.



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What is LEAF?

The Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) is an accreditation scheme developed by the Sustainability Team at University College London (UCL) designed to improve sustainability within university teaching and research. The aim of the project is to reduce carbon footprints whilst also reducing costs for researchers and institutions. The framework enables lab teams to quantify their environmental and financial impact.

The LEAF programme comprises the following:

  • Participating labs are given a list of sustainable criteria and corresponding actions to complete using an online platform. Criteria are broken down into Bronze, Silver and Gold categories.
  • The categories include waste, samples/chemical management, travel, energy, water, procurement, and research quality.
  • Each action is clear and easy to implement and is supported by a rationale along with guidance to help implement it.
  • Carbon calculators are included within the online toolkit to enable users to quantify the impact of their actions by comparing the financial costs incurred and carbon consumed before and after sustainable practices have been introduced.
  • The online calculators provide clear values to incentivise users to improve their sustainability performance and track their ongoing progress.
  • Labs can decide to aim for a bronze, silver or gold level award and have the opportunity in the following year to improve and aim for the next level (if required).

This is a great opportunity to collaboratively work and share best practices with other lab teams, universities and research institutions. In addition, LEAF allows exceptionally well managed laboratories to gain recognition for their efforts.

How can I get involved?

LEAF submissions are usually audited in May each year, but you can start and complete your submission at any time during the year.   Please use the links below to either log in to the portal or begin your LEAF journey by registering your lab.


You can use the LEAF Preliminary Audit Tool as a checklist to help you decide which level to go for: LEAF Preliminary Audit Tool October 2024.xlsx

Useful resources
Green lab initiatives

Uni Green Scheme - Equipment trading

This company buys/sells second hand laboratory equipment (both working and faulty equipment) from Universities around the UK.  We have now added them as a supplier on Agresso. Read more about them here UniGreenScheme - The Asset Resale Service for Universities)

Buying - They have lots of items available in their online shop here: UniGreenScheme Shop

Selling - They will collect, store and sell the equipment on your behalf and split the profit with the you 50/50 (minus collection/admin costs).  Click here to find out how it works and what they can take  User Guide Rework WIP 23.10

If you are interested in selling/buying any equipment with Uni Green Scheme, please contact and we can organise this for you.  We may have other items that can be collected/delivered at the same time.

Sarstedt tip box recycling - If you would like to recycle your Sarstedt tip boxes, please contact  We can provide you with a box to collect them in your lab and then arrange for them to be sent back once your box is full. 

Promega shipping box recycling - just like NEB, Promega boxes have a pre-paid address label that can be used to post the polystyrene boxes back to Promega for recycling.

Ice packs and polystyrene boxes recycling - Simply pack ice packs (gel like and/or rigid) neatly inside lidded polystyrene boxes and drop them off in the designated area in the Autoclave Room (Room 2.042, Corridor 3, Jenner Wing). If you don’t have corridor access, email, and we’ll arrange collection. Ice packs without polystyrene boxes can be placed in the provided crates, and lidded polystyrene boxes without ice packs are also welcome.

We’d love to hear about more Green Lab initiatives! Please get in touch with Priya or Lara via with your ideas.

 Get in touch

Priya Madhou and Lara Painter are leading City St George’s LEAF and can help to support you in your LEAF journey.

Please email for guidance and assistance.

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