For award of academic credit, achievement of module outcomes will be assessed by 2 summative assessments:
- A 2 hour written examination
- A visual poster with an accompanying short oral presentation.
An aggregate mark of 40% across the 2 assessments will result in award of 15 academic credits.
Written examination
You will undertake an invigilated 2 hour online examination in which you will answer a single question that will have been presented to you during the first week of the summer school (a seen examination).
The question, which will be formulated around the theme of Frontiers in Human Health, will require you to write an article for informed non-specialists (e.g. Scientific American), drawing on insights gained during the course, complemented by your own critical analysis, reflections and speculations.
Poster and oral presentation
Together with your group research project peers, you will design and produce a scientific poster describing the background, rationale, methods, and findings of your mini-research project, critically analysing the results and discussing their limitations, wider implications, and next steps.
You will give a group oral presentation on your poster to peers and an expert panel of assessors.
The oral presentation will be a maximum of 7 minutes followed by 3 minutes for questions and answers.
Assignments weighting
Assessment title
Percentage of final grade
Seen exam
Research project report
- Written poster
- Poster oral presentation