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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Five years, full time (or six with Intercalated BSc)

Application Deadline

15 October 2025 (2026 Entry)


St George's, University of London


A100, institution code S49

Start dates

September 2025

Clinically focused and patient-centred, our five-year undergraduate degree will equip you with essential knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to practice medicine competently and professionally. You will gain a unique opportunity to study in a multidisciplinary clinical setting, together with students across the full range of allied healthcare professions, and acquire the scientific and clinical expertise to keep abreast of the changes in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine required for our rapidly changing societies.

Your hands-on learning starts with practical classes in our pathology labs, and anatomy suite, alongside GP and community visits. Over the course of studies, you’ll participate in a comprehensive series of clinical placements in medicine, surgery, general practice, senior health, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry and diagnostics such as radiology, as well as other specialities.

On successful completion, you’ll be granted the primary medical qualification – the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – eligible to register with the General Medical Council (GMC) and begin its Foundation Programme.

Established in 1752, St George’s, University of London is the UK’s specialist health university, and we are the only UK university to share our campus with a major teaching hospital, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which is both on the clinical frontline for a diverse local community and a centre of excellence for specialist conditions. You’ll study in a clinical setting with like-minded individuals, mixing with the many different healthcare professionals you will go on to work alongside throughout your career.

Read more information about our courses and university services terms and conditions.

MBBS curriculum brochure

Read the MBBS curriculum brochure (PDF) to find out more about what the course contains.


  • We offer two routes to obtain the MBBS: this undergraduate five-year degree and a four-year graduate entry programme for those who have already achieved a Bachelor’s or higher degree.
  • Contact with patients and clinical placements begins in your first year and over subsequent years spans the full range of disciplines – general practice, medicine and medical specialties such as cardiology, surgery and surgical specialties such as orthopaedics, paediatrics, senior health, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry and neurology and public health. 
  • Cutting-edge facilities include our state-of-the-art laboratories, pathology museum and advanced patient simulation centre, which enables you to learn clinical skills and practise techniques in a safe environment.
  • Interactive and team-based learning will take place in the Anatomy Suite using plastinated and potted (preserved) specimens, anatomical models and 3D digital software.
  • On graduation from either route, you will be eligible to apply for provisional registration with the GMC and license to practice in approved Foundation Year 1 posts.
  • Competitive opportunity to apply to intercalate (after Year 2, T or P year) at St George’s or at an alternative institution, spending an additional year of study on top of your Medicine degree to obtain an iBSc in a variety of related subjects. Between P and Final year an MSc is also an alternative option (St George’s or at an alternative institution).  
  • St George’s, University of London is the UK’s specialist health university and the only UK university to share our campus with a major teaching hospital providing a unique opportunity to study and work alongside the full range of clinical professionals boosting your multidisciplinary understanding and context.
  • Teaching is informed by our world-class research which informs practice, and often delivered by working clinicians and scientists who have recently been using their expertise in the fight against Covid-19.
  • The extensive experience of our teaching team spans the full breadth of medical and surgical specialists, GPs, biomedical scientists and research scientists. The MBBS leadership team, overseeing the programme, are all senior academics and clinicians, with both national and international subject and educational expertise.
  • The MBBS course offers high quality simulated practise for you to safely acquire competency in clinical skills and procedures at all stages of the course.
  • Benefit from opportunities to undertake student-selected components (SSC) of study on areas of interest. This includes three blocks of a few weeks each exploring a topic of your choice in-depth, for example basic science, a clinical or service improvement project or a humanities module.

Learn more about studying at St George's

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Course info

A career in medicine is a calling like no other: the chance to harness science and make a real difference, often saving people’s lives. Perhaps you are drawn to the many practical and intellectual challenges this well respected and rewarding profession offers, where no day is ever the same.

Whatever your motivations, our Medicine degree offers a unique opportunity to study in a multidisciplinary clinical setting together with students across the full range of healthcare professions, building your appreciation of what it means to work as part of a team.

Our transformative education blends academic and practical clinical skills training with on-the-job placement learning. This provides the knowledge, understanding, skills and professional competencies to help you become a confident, resilient doctor. Students tell us that this early patient contact and rotation across a comprehensive range of medical services and specialities which begins in the first year is what makes our course stand out from the rest.

We take pride in being clinically and patient-focused with a strong emphasis on communicating with patients from a range of backgrounds so that, on graduation, you provide excellent, compassionate care, and are ready to work with colleagues and equipped to adapt to rapidly changing science and society.

As well as the option for teaching, research and management, medicine offers a wide choice of careers with over 60 different specialities – from general practice, surgery, emergency or intensive care medicine, to focused practice in areas such as ears, nose and throat surgery (ENT) and ophthalmology.

That we are the only UK university based on a hospital site ensures your experience is diverse and broad, so you can identify where your passions truly lie. St George’s Hospital is the largest healthcare provider in southwest London, providing acute hospital services, specialist care and community services to patients of all ages, nationalities and ethnicities.

Our degree also offers two opportunities to undertake student-selected components (SSC) of study on areas of interest to you, spending a few weeks exploring a topic of your choice in-depth, which could be basic science, a clinical or service improvement project or a humanities module.

You can also apply competitively to intercalate with us or an alternative institution, inserting an additional year of study to obtain an iBSc or even a master’s degree in a very wide variety of related subjects.

“At St George's, you really benefit from problem-based learning in your transition year. I found it a perfect complement to the lectures and clinical teaching. It’s very student-led, enabling us to discuss and make decisions about managing our patient which, as students, helps us to work in a team and think like a doctor. ”

- Jozel

Medicine (Graduate Entry MBBS)

Fees and funding

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Entry Criteria: 2026 Entry

To be eligible for the Medicine MBBS (5-year) programme, you must meet the requirements outlined under Entry Qualifications, Other Academic Requirements, and Non-academic Requirements below.

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Entry Qualifications

For non-graduate applicants, with the exception of GCSEs, all qualifications must have been completed within the previous five years, including the year of application.

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Other Academic Requirements

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Non-academic Requirements

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Entry Criteria: 2025 Entry

To be eligible for the Medicine MBBS (5-year) programme, you must meet the requirements outlined under Entry Qualifications, Other Academic Requirements, and Non-academic Requirements below.

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Entry Qualifications

For non-graduate applicants, with the exception of GCSEs, all qualifications must have been completed within the previous five years, including the year of application.

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Other Academic Requirements

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Non-academic Requirements

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Our MBBS five-year course provides a well-rounded base of scientific medical education and practice, equipping you with the latest skills and techniques to bring benefits to patients and populations, with particular emphasis given to developing you as a professional and person over and above the role of the doctor. It is made up of core curriculum elements and opportunities for in-depth study in areas of your choice.

Year 1 and 2

The early years, known as the ‘clinical science years’, are underpinned by three main themes:

  • Basic and clinical sciences: Provides core professional knowledge of the structure, function and development of the normal human body and the changes that occur as the result of disease, injury, abnormal development and ageing.
  • Professional skills: Equips you with the core patient-centred communication, clinical and procedural skills integral to becoming a doctor, developed and integrated first through simulated practice involving diverse and authentic clinical scenarios, then actual placement experience.
  • Patients, populations and society: Provides a firm understanding of the health behaviours, attitudes, cultural beliefs and socio-economic factors that influence health outcomes in individuals and communities. You’ll learn to appreciate the need for a partnership with patients and communities that takes account of these components, understands evidence for harms and benefits of medical intervention and can work professionally in a complex, uncertain and evolving field.

In Years 1 and 2, these themes are delivered through seven modules: Introduction to Medicine; Life Cycle; Life Protection; Life Support; Life Maintenance; Life Structure; and Life Control. During the first two years, the emphasis is on lectures, tutorials and group activity, but there is a strong underlying focus on patient care and early patient contact through short clinical and community-based placements.

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Year 3

From Year 3 – the ‘transition year’ – the emphasis shifts away from lecture-based activity to a combination of problem based learning and SSC of study based on your own interests, rotating with experiential learning on clinical attachments. Problem based learning in Year 3 covers:

  • Foundations of Clinical Practice: Establishes core knowledge and skills for safe transition to clinical placements.
  • Mechanisms of disease: Reviews and extends learning in life protection topics.
  • Body systems: Revisits learning in each major organ system to support generalist clinical history and examination skills.
  • Specialties: Contains key cases from areas covered in penultimate year placements: paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, neurology, psychiatry and rheumatology.

As well as a three-week block based around your SSC, you will undertake five-week clinical placement blocks in Medicine, Surgery and General Practice (outlined below). These incorporate a weekly half-day lecture and tutorial programme to support the development of planning and interpreting core investigations and prescribing common drugs. These sessions are delivered by leading practitioners in their fields and focus on analytical skills and practical knowhow.

  • Medicine: Includes cases from all core body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal (GI), renal, endocrine, musculoskeletal and neurological systems. Interpretation of basic investigations such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), chest x ray and common blood tests is practised at the bedside and supported by transition to practice (TTP) and investigation of disease (IOD) teaching.
  • Surgery: You’ll participate in the work of your assigned clinical team, on ward rounds, attending operating theatre, radiology and pathology meetings. Bedside teaching, supervised and self-directed patient contact provide the stimulus for learning about common and important surgical conditions, including pre- and post-operative care, GI and urological conditions.
  • General Practice: Themes include using approaches from the humanities to focus on understanding the patient experience, clinical reasoning skills required for the first/early presentation of illness, patient-centred consultation skills, therapeutic relationships, and the impact of the ever-changing health care system on the patient journey.

Intercalated iBSc degree: optional additional year

You have the opportunity in your third or fourth year to undertake an intercalated iBSc of your choice. You can study here at St George’s or at a selection of other institutions. This allows you to advance your coverage of a variety of topics and undertake in-depth research, resulting in the award of a Bachelor of Science degree (with Honours). You are supervised by academic and research staff in individual research laboratories. Entry is competitive and selection is based on academic results.

We offer degree pathways in Anatomy, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Medical Ethics and Law, Physiology and Pharmacology, and Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience.

Modules include the following.

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Intercalated iMSc degree: optional additional year

As an alternative to an intercalated bachelor’s degree, students can apply competitively after their third year to aim for an iMSc, again internally or externally. All taught components of an intercalated master’s programme must be completed before the start of your final year in August and we would also expect you to have completed your research project by this point in time, despite the usual end date being October each year. All of St George’s master’s programmes meet these requirements, as do some external courses.

Years 4 and 5

Subsequent years have increasing amounts of clinical exposure. Students are increasingly responsible as partners in their own development, with an increasing emphasis on experiential learning in the workplace in line with GMC guidance.

Year 4, the penultimate year, features rotation through a series of clinical attachments in: medicine, senior health, cardiology, surgery (including surgical specialties), palliative care, neurology, neurosurgery, neurorehabilitation, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynaecology, and paediatrics.

In the final year, five-week assistantships in medicine, surgery and general practice usually offers the opportunity for a one-to-one apprenticeship with a resident doctor or GP. You’ll also experience rotations in critical care and anaesthetics, accident and emergency, and public health.

After finals assessments, you will undertake a five-week elective activity. This is an opportunity for you to explore, in a practical setting, an aspect of medicine of particular interest to you or relevant to your future career in medicine, anywhere in the world.

Clinical attachments are based at healthcare trusts, hospitals and other community-based sites mostly in south London and the south east of England. In the later years of the course, placements can include more distant sites in order that students gain experience in a range of urban and more rural settings.  

Clinical placements

Learning from patients, clinicians and other healthcare professionals in practice is a fundamental part of training to become a doctor. It is the variety and volume of clinical placement opportunities we offer that students tell us they like most about our course. Teaching and learning is initially supplemented by and later dependent on attachments throughout southwest London and beyond in areas of general practice, hospitals and other community settings, for example, palliative care hospices, sexual health clinics or community hospitals. You will gain experience of working as part of a team, demonstrating professional behaviour and performing (under supervision) a range of procedures, beginning with routine procedures and culminating in more advanced, highly skilled techniques by the end of your course.

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You should be prepared to travel for your placements across Greater London, neighbouring counties and beyond.

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You are supervised by experienced clinicians and trained mentors. You also receive support from your University personal tutor, specialty and year leads with a mixture of fixed and student initiated contacts.

*This list is subject to change and should be used as a guide of where students may be able to go. In the final year, placements are also provided at more distant sites, including Maidstone, Royal Devon and Exeter, Yeovil and Torbay.

During your course, you will acquire the scientific and clinical expertise to keep abreast of the changes in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine required for our rapidly changing societies. We will equip you to apply for the specialty training you desire and support you to become future healthcare leaders. 

The curriculum is organised into integrated learning weeks, supported by case-based and problem-based learning tutorials. We use a variety of teaching styles to encourage learning, including directed self-learning, student-selected study and independent study:

  • Lectures and seminars: Lecture based teaching from specialist scientists and clinicians is designed to support your depth of learning and the relevance to clinical practice of each core subject. Complementary sociology, psychology, professionalism, ethics and critical appraisal sessions run alongside and stimulate analysis and critical thinking.
  • Small group teaching: Wherever possible, teaching and learning occurs in small groups. Weekly clinical skills and communication skills sessions all occur in the small group format allowing a high degree of learner engagement, role play and reflection.
  • Inter-professional learning: In the first year, you will take part in shared learning with students from other healthcare professions, including interactive workshops on the themes of professionalism and ethics. This interprofessional focus aims to demonstrate fundamental principles that are essential to all healthcare workers, especially those that form the foundation for safe practice, effective and appropriate patient-centred care.
  • Case-based learning: Each week begins and ends with a tutorial based on a clinical scenario. By applying the taught theory to a clinical context, both your critical skills and learning techniques develop.
  • Problem-based learning: Given a clinical problem, you use self-directed research to make a diagnosis and suggest an appropriate course of action. Problem-based learning encourages learning in context, self-motivation and deep, rather than surface understanding.
  • Clinical and communication skills sessions: At St George’s we are proud of our emphasis on clinical communication in the MBBS curriculum. What used to be called a ‘good bedside manner’ is now recognised as an evidence-based core clinical competence. We work with you to develop empathic practice and a relationship of trust with your future patients. You will learn to sensitively draw out the patient’s illness and clinical history, how to give information and clear explanations, and how to negotiate with patients and relatives in order to share decisions about their healthcare.
  • Multimodal anatomy teaching: Interactive and team-based learning will take place in the Anatomy Suite using plastinated and potted (preserved) specimens, anatomical models and 3D digital software.
  • Expert tutorials: These cover the full breadth of topics over the year and feature expert patients, practising clinicians and sometimes representatives from the third sector, for example, the Alzheimer's Society or alcohol support teams.
  • Online learning: Staff at St George’s have designed a number of Massive Open Online Learning Courses (MOOCs) to support your learning and interest in particular areas, such as genomics or organ donation. We make use of online resources, such as Speaking Clinically, which has a huge number of videos in which patients talk about their conditions, and have also developed virtual anatomy lessons. Our anatomists have videoed dissection resources and overlayed the images with X-rays and 3D computational graphics to aid your learning and engagement.
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Our MBBS programme is professionally accredited and quality assured by the General Medical Council (GMC), the independent regulator for doctors in the UK. Successful graduates go on to a diverse range of careers, with the vast majority choosing to complete the GMC Foundation Programme to practice medicine in the UK.

Registering with the GMC

At the end of the undergraduate course, you will receive your MBBS degree, which is a primary medical qualification (PMQ). Holding a PMQ entitles you to provisional registration with the General Medical Council (GMC), as long as the GMC has no concerns relating to your fitness to practise.

In 2024, The GMC is introducing a national Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) which will form part of your final examinations. All medical students graduating from UK universities from the academic year 2024–25 onwards will be required to pass the MLA as part of their degree before they can join the medical register. 

UK Medical Foundation Programme

After graduation, the majority of our graduates go on to complete the two-year UK Foundation Programme. This is a two-year work-based training programme that enables you to work and practice as a doctor in the UK. Provisionally registered doctors can only practice in approved Foundation Year 1 posts; the law does not allow provisionally registered doctors to undertake any other type of work as a doctor within the UK.

Through an integrated study programme of medical sciences and clinical sciences, our graduates are fully equipped to perform well in the GMC Foundation Programme and further develop the essential knowledge and competencies needed to pursue a specialist discipline.

To obtain a Foundation Year 1 post, you will need to apply during the final year of your undergraduate course through the UK Foundation Programme Office selection scheme, which allocates these posts to graduates on a competitive basis. So far, all suitably qualified UK graduates have found a place on the Foundation Year 1 programme, but this cannot be guaranteed. Successful completion of the Foundation Year 1 programme is normally achieved within 12 months and is marked by the award of a Certificate of Experience. You will then be eligible to apply for full registration with the General Medical Council. You need full registration with a licence to practice medicine unsupervised in the UK in the NHS or private practice. Regulations in this area change from time to time so we recommend visiting Medical Careers NHS, which also provides information on working as a doctor.

Practicing overseas

UK Medical Programmes, including ours, are quality-assured and recognised internationally. However, applicants are always advised to check with individual national authorities if they wish to practise outside the UK after graduation. In some instances, students may need to take a national licensing assessment for the relevant country, in addition to their medical degree in order to be able to practice there. Our programme is geared towards supporting students to practice in the UK. As such, we do not provide any specific support for overseas assessments (such as the USMLE) nor residency matching services.

Alternative careers

Most graduates work as doctors in the NHS, but our graduates also pursue a variety of alternative career options including a career in academia, teaching or conducting research, pharmaceuticals, or hospital management.


St George’s is the only UK university based on a hospital site, St George’s Hospital, which is where the Channel 4 television series 24 hours in A&E is filmed. We offer a unique opportunity to study and work alongside the full range of clinical professionals and their patients. Based in the thriving multi-cultural hub of Tooting in South West London, our location has the added advantage of being just a short tube ride from Central London and all the city lifestyle has to offer.

We also have a range of specialist health and academic facilities to support your learning, listed below.

Clinical skills room

This self-directed learning room provides a space where you can practise clinical skills outside of the formal teaching sessions. Equipment needed is available in the room or can be borrowed from our Teaching Services team. This facility provides an opportunity for peer practice and shared learning.


Our science laboratories are fully fitted with equipment for biological, chemistry, biomedical, molecular biology and pharmacy practicals. This includes microscopes, spectrophotometers, DNA amplifiers, organ baths and specialist glassware. We also have audio visual equipment installed, so that microscope images can be projected on to large screens.

The Anatomy suite

The anatomy suite is where present and future healthcare professionals and scientists in the hospital and University learn or expand on their anatomy knowledge directly from the human body, through access to high quality anatomy resources. These include plastinated (preserved) specimens, osteological materials, anatomical models and digital/imaging resources such as Anatomage tables and Complete Anatomy.


Museum for Human Diseases

Our on-site museum houses a collection of over 2,000 pathological specimens, including a number of original specimens donated by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie in 1843. This space is used for small group tutorials by students across all of our courses as an educational tool to help you understand the mechanisms of disease.


There are opportunities for simulated practice in all years of the course both within the University, and across our partner NHS Trusts. This includes access to the St George’s Hospital Advanced Patient Simulator Centre in Final year.  

Library and learning technology

Our modern health sciences library offers a wide range of books, e-books, academic journals and other resources to support you. You will also have access to online resources, such as the Canvas virtual learning environment

and our Hunter discovery service to help you find the information you need. The library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and comprises silent, quiet and group learning areas, as well as four group discussion rooms.

IT facilities

We have five computer suites housing 260 workstations. Three of these suites are accessible 24 hours a day. It’s easy to find a free space with our handy real-time computer locator. We also have 75 self-service laptops available. Free Wi-Fi covers the whole campus, including all accommodation. You can use these resources to access your course materials, discussion boards and feedback through Canvas.

Student support

Whether you are heading off to university straight from school or college, or returning to education as a mature student, we want to ensure your experience is positive from the outset. At St George’s, you’ll be welcomed by a multicultural student and staff body of different ages, ethnicities, nationalities and backgrounds, all with one thing in common – an interest in healthcare, science and medicine.

Students frequently tell us they greatly appreciate the diversity of our student and staff body, as well as the patients who access healthcare services in the borough of Wandsworth. The University attracts both school leavers as well as a  ‘mature’ students, aged 21 or over when they start; many have family and caring responsibilities.

We offer a full range of academic support and student services across all institutes, departments and faculties, some of which are listed below. We take pride in offering a transformative educational experience underpinned by cooperation and collaboration between staff and students. Our innovative Student-Staff Partnership Grants (SSPGs), for example, provide funding for small projects led jointly by students and staff. Previous projects involving our students have included the creation of a handbook to highlight the often different presentation of clinical signs on black and brown skin, as well as a series of video profiles of doctors and healthcare professionals in different specialities at various stages of their careers.

Personal tutor

On arrival, you will be allocated a personal tutor – someone with whom you can have regular contact, who you ask questions and discuss problems with, both academic and personal. The main purpose of a personal tutor is to monitor your progress, pick up and help you resolve any problems, whether academic or welfare related. Even if they don’t have the answer they will point you in the right direction towards the best people to deal with specific problems.

Induction programme

Within your first week at St George’s, you’ll take part in an induction programme to help with your orientation and introduce you to various study skills, including interprofessional learning and use of the Anatomy suite. Additional sessions provide advice and guidance about the Registry, Students’ Union, personal tutor system, safety, occupational health and sexual health awareness.

Academic staff support

The senior leadership team (course director, deputy, assessment and year leads) meet regularly with year representatives, and also arrange drop in/FAQ sessions where needed, in addition to being contactable directly as with all staff.

We have a wide variety of support resources, including close academic review and support from the Course Team, so that students who are experiencing challenges or difficulty can be proactively supported by the academic development centre, and other appropriate support services or reasonable adjustments.

Clinical Teaching Fellows  

Clinical Teaching Fellows (CTFs) are fully qualified junior doctors, who support the delivery of teaching within St George's, University of London and St George’s Hospital. They are also employed at many of our partner sites, including Ashford and St Peter’s, Croydon, Epsom and St Helier, East Surrey, Kingston, and Springfield hospitals.

Mums and dads scheme

‘Mums and dads’ is a buddy scheme organised by the Students’ Union. Every fresher (first year student) has the choice of being assigned a ‘parent’ from the year above in their respective course. The returning student then acts as a ‘go to’ for advice about courses and university life, providing an additional support system during your first year, both academically and socially. They have been in your position and know the struggles of starting university; they also know all of the best pubs, clubs, restaurants, gyms and will help introduce you to your new St George’s family.

Student Life Centre

Our Student Centre team can help you with almost any aspect of student life: finances, accommodation, exams and assessment, academic procedures, admissions, international queries, careers, disability and wellbeing, even finding your way around – whatever it takes to make you feel at home.

Careers service

Our careers service works to support current students and recent graduates to find and maintain a rewarding and successful career. As well as general workshops on topics such as writing a CV and developing interview skills, the service works with careers tutors from each course area to ensure there are careers activities specific to your programmes and future profession. You will also be able to book a one-to-one appointment with a careers consultant to discuss all aspects of careers and employability. This might include investigating options and making career decisions, gaining advice and guidance on where to look for jobs, CV and application checking, or booking in for a practice interview.  

Over and above central careers support, the MBBS team has collated a range of targeted medicine resources for our students, including prompts for personal tutors, careers sessions in every year of the programme, a dedicated area of our virtual learning environment with tips on expanding and developing skills beyond the core curriculum, and ‘careers fair’ with input from a broad range of specialities available to all students.

Apply for this course through UCAS (the University and College Admissions Service) by 15 October preceding the year of entry (for 2026 entry, the deadline is on 15 October 2025)

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Five years, full time (or six with Intercalated BSc)

Application Deadline

15 October 2025 (2026 Entry)


A100, institution code S49

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