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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

One year, full-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025


St George's, University of London

UK, EU and non-EU (international)

citizens may apply

Start dates

8 September 2025

Improve healthcare by learning how scientific discoveries are turned into drugs, diagnostic tools and preventive strategies.

RNA vaccines, gene therapies, GLP inhibitors – medicine is rapidly advancing thanks to recent research breakthroughs. But how do we achieve the next innovation? How do we use data to move drug development forward? What challenges are involved in clinical trials? How do we unite disciplines to improve human health?

Studying with us, you’ll discover what it takes to turn research discoveries into new diagnostic tools, therapies and preventive strategies for human diseases. Learning from leading researchers, you’ll prepare to make an impact whether that’s in academia or the pharmaceutical and biotechnology field.

Designed to develop practical skills

According to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, there is a shortage of professionals with the practical skills to bridge the gap between bench and bedside. We’ve designed this course to help you become the expert the sector needs. Focus on hands-on learning and build your confidence in key areas.

Most of our students have an undergraduate degree in biomedical science. However, you might have studied a related subject like biotechnology, dentistry or pharmacology. To get the most out of the course, you’ll need to be confident writing scientifically and working with numbers. We also expect you to already have some understanding of molecular biology and genetics.

Why St George's?

  1. Practical training - hone the skills employers are looking for and develop specialist skills in areas like data analysis, bench research and scientific communication. 

  2. Small class sizes - you’ll learn in small groups, so you get to know the teaching team and get the support you need for success in this field. 

  3. Boost your employability - we’ve designed this course to address the skills shortage in this area. This means you’ll spend time in the lab exploring different techniques and receiving hands-on training. 

Want to know more?

Find out more about postgraduate study at St George’s, University of London by registering for our introductory email series.

Course content

Studying this course, you’ll be immersed in the latest biomedical research, with sessions delivered by scientists working actively in the field. You’ll cover everything from clinical trial management and bioinformatics to population health research and personalised medicine.

For our Hot Topics in Biomedical Science module, we discuss recent publications in a journal club format. Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Development also gives you a chance to hear more about our researchers’ work. We’ll tell you about clinical trials happening in London, and you’ll also meet our academics carrying out projects in regions like Africa.

Become a confident researcher

You’ll graduate with a whole host of sought-after skills in areas like data analysis and computer programming. In the lab, you’ll also get hands-on training in a range of areas such as the safe handling of chemicals, working with DNA, studying proteins and growing mammalian cells in tissue culture.

You’ll apply what you’ve learnt to a three-month research project – either in London or abroad with the Turing Scheme. Previous students have explored polycystic ovary syndrome, brain cancer, childhood asthma, and more, using methods such as microscopy, genomics and population health statistics.

If you’re looking for a programme that includes a longer research project, you might be interested in our MRes Biomedical Science course.

“Completing this Master's enabled me to gain expertise in molecular biology, bioinformatics, and genomics. Undertaking a research project allowed me to cultivate essential laboratory skills to become a more confident and competent researcher in cell and molecular biology.”

- Parisa Rahimnashat

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“The professors and staff were incredible. Each one provided expertise in their respective field and allowed me to acquire a new perspective in the field of translational medicine on how to make an impact and take something from bench to bedside.”

- Filip Djukic

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“My MSc has been of great importance for continuing with my PhD. I had the opportunity to considerably improve my scientific writing competency as well as my informatics and statistics skills. I also learned how to carry out a research project and how to work as a member of a research group. I’ve been using these skills from the very first day of my PhD.”

- Aurora Campagna

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Course structure

To complete the MSc, you will study eight taught modules across semester one and two, and then complete a three month research project in semester three.

Semester structure

Semester one

  • Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Development (15 credits)
  • Clinical Trials (15 credits)
  • Data Analysis Skills (15 credits)
  • Hot Topics in Biomedical Science (15 credits)
  • Laboratory Research Skills (15 credits)

Semester two

  • Computational Biology (15 credits)
  • Foundations of Population Health Research (15 credits)
  • Personalised Medicine (15 credits)
  • Hot Topics in Biomedical Science (15 credits)
  • Laboratory Research Skills (15 credits)

Semester three

  • Research Project (60 credits)

Course start date

The course will start with enrolment and induction activities on 8 - 9 September 2025. Topics covered will include the virtual learning platform, library and careers service as well as course specific sessions. There will also be keynote speakers and a social event where students from a variety of postgraduate taught courses can get to know each other.

Module information

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Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Development (15 credits)

The development of new medicines generally begins with breakthroughs in basic science, leading to target identification and lead development, then pre-clinical and clinical trials before translation to patients (clinical efficacy) and eventually into practice (implementation). Biomedical scientists work at any stage along this translational “bench-to-bedside” process. The first half of this module will illustrate the translational research arc by focusing specifically on malaria, covering the natural history of malaria, the life cycle of the malaria parasite, followed by an overview of the discovery and development of early antimalarials, clinical studies and resistance reversal strategies.

In the second half of the module, students will be introduced to great variety of translational research projects carried out by researchers at City St George’s.

Clinical Trials (15 credits)

The data generated from randomised controlled clinical trials are considered to be the most robust in an era of evidence-based research. Understanding the principles underpinning clinical trials and the complexities involved in set-up and management enables a broad appreciation of the validity and reliability of the trial results and how trials are conducted in real world settings.

This 15-credit module will introduce students to these important principles and concepts. Teaching sessions will be delivered by lecture with accompanying practical sessions, quizzes and online courses to consolidate knowledge.

Early lectures will introduce clinical trial related concepts and theories along with fundamental knowledge, while subsequent lectures, presented by experts in the field (internal and external to SGUL), will focus on specific aspects of trial conduct. Students will be encouraged to read and understand the research literature through assigned pre-lecture reading each week and via seminar style Q&A sessions at the end of each lecture.

Importantly, an online research ethics course and good clinical practice (GCP) course will form part of the ICA with a certificate awarded on successful completion. This is a key requirement for those working within clinical trials. Students will complete practical sessions based on the topic of the preceding lecture. Work from the practical sessions will be documented in a practical session notebook, which will count towards the ICA. The final part of the ICA will involve a written assignment (in the form of a mini protocol) where students will be asked to design a clinical trial to answer a specific research question. This will test the students’ fundamental knowledge and critical assessment of trial design, implementation, ethics, analysis and reporting.

The final sessions of the module will draw together the key themes explored with a presentation on landmark trials from experts in the field.

Computational Biology (15 credits)

Understanding of large biomedical datasets and data analysis skills are now required at all stages of biomedical research; training in this area is thus greatly desired by potential employers.

Since the human genome was first sequenced in 2003, the biomedical sciences have experienced an explosion of DNA sequence data, functional genomics collections and epidemiological information. The exponential progress in this area was made possible by the emergence of novel technologies used to sequence DNA, investigate gene function and to store and analyse large amounts of data. New technologies, comprehensive datasets and advances in data storage have ushered in the field of ‘systems biology’, a catchphrase used in reference to growing efforts of using holistic approaches to study complex problems in biology and medicine. Availability of properly trained scientists who can analyse such data is now becoming a limiting factor in industry and academia.

Data Analysis Skills (15 credits)

Much of modern biomedical research generates vast amounts of data, including genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data, as well as electronic health records and imaging data. Efficiently managing, processing, and interpreting these large and complex datasets require robust data analysis skills.

This introductory module runs in term 1 and will provide students with an understanding of fundamental concepts and skills that will lay the foundation for more specialised, data-based modules in term 2 such as Computational Biology and Population Health Research.

Foundations of Population Health Research (15 credits)

The health research spectrum ranges from controlled environments such as laboratory experiments, to interventional and observational population settings. Clinical trials are somewhere in the middle of this wide range of approaches in terms of the extent of control that researchers can exert through carefully planned design and concerted efforts for data collection accuracy.

Observational studies aim at understanding “real world" information collected without researchers’ attempts to alter it or interfere. This module is aiming at structuring a series of challenges that these setting present to researchers and at demonstrating the principles, approaches and solutions commonly applied to overcome them.

Population-based policies and changes in clinical practice rely on both descriptive and inferential data analyses. Inferential studies seek to produce reproducible results or estimates that can be generalized to large populations. Understanding patterns in population health and the interconnected pathways between disease, demographics, lifestyle, socioeconomic factors, environmental exposures, and interventions is crucial for designing efficient, evidence-based public health policies.

This module will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of public health, epidemiology, study designs, measures of association between diseases and potential risk factors, and the statistical methods used to quantify their magnitude and significance. Students will be guided through all phases of the research development lifecycle, from the initial research question and the importance of pilot and feasibility studies to complex observational epidemiological settings, such as cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and longitudinal studies.

The associated statistical concepts and techniques will include not only simple hypothesis testing but also basic elements of statistical modelling, addressing bias and confounding in observational studies, and methods to minimize them. An introduction to the Bayesian framework for statistical inference may also be included, depending on the students’ level of attainment in statistics.

The R programming language will be used as a tool for exploring, understanding, and analysing population data. Emphasis will be placed on understanding when and why specific statistical techniques are applicable or tailored to certain epidemiological designs and measures, the necessary assumptions for their validity, and how to apply them effectively.

Hot Topics in Biomedical Science (15 credits)

Staying abreast of the relevant scientific literature and orally presenting research results are two of the most important skills of practising scientists.

This module will provide students with repeated practice of reading, analysing and presenting scientific papers in the field of biomedical science. A particular focus will be on the identification of publications of high significance, at the forefront of contemporary research and of technical interest. In addition to critical analysis skills students will develop their ability to operate in a team by working with peers to discuss publications and to competently design and present coherent presentations. Analysis of research papers will also familiarise students with a wide variety of scientific techniques and expose them to professional standards of scientific writing and data documentation.

Students will be given introductory lectures to introduce them to selection and evaluation methods. Subsequently sessions will take the form of whole group discussion based on self-guided analysis that the students have carried out alone and in small groups. Students will be expected to play an active role in selecting suitable papers for discussion and feedback by tutors will be available at all stages of the self-guided and group discussion sessions.

Laboratory Research Skills (15 credits)

The current module complements the Data Analysis Skills and Hot Topics in Biomedical Science modules by providing students with training in basic laboratory skills commonly required for bench-based biomedical research. The module will run over the first two terms.

Personalised Medicine (15 credits)

The ultimate goal of personalised, or precision, medicine is to create healthcare strategies that are tailored to each individual patient. This will be achieved by integrating molecular information with traditional clinical and pathological signs of disease. Advances in genomic technologies have provided new perspectives across medicine, particularly in screening, diagnosis, disease classification and treatment. This module explores how this research is being translated into clinical practice to make personalised medicine a reality.

Personalised medicine is not limited to pharmacogenetics (which examines the effect of genetic variation on drug targets, metabolism, efficacy and toxicity) but looks more broadly at how molecular profiling can influence health outcomes. Examples include molecular therapies used in oncology, advances in pre-natal screening and management of infection. We also consider ethical and social issues surrounding personalised medicine, including patient responses to genetic testing, the challenge of translating research results into clinical practice, genetic discrimination and regulation.

Examples are drawn from cancer, infection and other clinical specialties.

Research Project (60 credits)

The supervised research project constitutes a central learning activity by providing immersive, work-based training in translational biomedical science. A research project involves choosing a subject, formulating a specific research question or aim, devising a research strategy to address this question, performing the research and analysing the resulting data. Project background, experimental procedures, results and discussion are written up as a 10,000-word dissertation and presented orally to an audience with the aid of a poster or PowerPoint presentation.

Optional modules are subject to availability. Read more information about our courses and university services terms and conditions.

Entry criteria

To be considered for this course, you will need to:

  • meet the entry criteria
  • write a personal statement
  • provide two suitable references

Undergraduate degree or equivalent

You should have or be expected to achieve, a minimum of a second class degree (2:2). For healthcare graduates, a pass is required. All degrees must be awarded before 1 August on the year of entry.

Experience of the research process and/or completion of an undergraduate dissertation is essential. 

The course is aimed at students with an undergraduate degree in biomedical science or a related bioscience discipline. Previous participants have also joined with qualifications in biotechnology, dentistry, medicine, pharmacology and pharmacy. A fundamental understanding of molecular biology, genetics and arithmetic are beneficial.

We may invite you to interview if are unable to make a decision directly from your application.

Intercalating students

Applicants who do not have an undergraduate degree but are current medical students who have successfully completed 360 credits (or equivalent) including at least 120 credits at Level 6 (or equivalent) of their medical degree are also eligible to apply.

International qualifications

We accept equivalent qualifications gained in other countries and use to UKNARIC to assess. Please see our International Student Support pages for more information.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

English language requirement

This is a Group 1 course.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at


Because we share our site with one of the UK’s largest teaching hospitals, you'll learn in a busy healthcare environment. Many of our teaching staff hold clinical roles or have previously worked in industry, so you will learn from academics with real on-the-job experience.

How our experts teach depends on the course content. On this course, you can expect a diverse range of:

  • Computer-based sessions
  • Group work
  • Guest lectures
  • Lab-based sessions
  • Lectures
  • Online learning
  • Practical workshops
  • Seminars
  • Research project


The way we assess your learning will change depending on the module. On this course, we use a mixture of:

  • Multiple-choice tests
  • Open-book data analysis assignments
  • Open written assignment
  • Practical skills assessments
  • Journal club presentations
  • Poster presentation
  • Essays
  • Research project


We have a global reputation as experts in population health, infection and immunity, and molecular and clinical sciences. St George’s is also a highly active clinical trial site, offering opportunities to become involved in a wide range of ongoing studies.

We have four Clinical Academic Groups in cardiovascular diseases, genomics, infectious diseases and neuroscience. These groups bring together researchers from the University and clinicians from St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Everything you need for success in the health and life sciences profession is here – from opportunities to learn from professionals working on the clinical frontline to cutting-edge laboratory facilities and bio-imaging technology.

We’re the UK’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research. We share our site with a major London teaching hospital. This means you’ll become part of a unique clinical and academic research community, mixing with the many different healthcare professionals you will go on to work alongside throughout your career.


Our teaching laboratories are fully fitted with equipment for biological, chemistry, biomedical, molecular biology and pharmacy practicals. This includes:

  • Microscopes
  • Spectrophotometers
  • DNA amplifiers
  • Organ baths
  • Specialist glassware

We’ve installed audio-visual equipment so microscope images can be projected onto large screens. You’ll also be able to use our tissue culture facilities, flow cytometry, pathogen containment facilities.

Image Resource Facility (IRF)

The IRF is designed for Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, and sample preparation. Here you can image histology samples, cells and molecules of all varieties, and model organisms such as zebrafish using any of the light microscope, slide scanning, or electron microscope systems.

Zebrafish facility

Our zebrafish facility has an aquarium that can house over 2,500 adult fish. The facility is fully staffed to provide the infrastructure and care required by the Home Office’s strict licensing laws for the use of animals in scientific procedures.

The zebrafish have a vertebrate system which can be used to model human disease. Our researchers take advantage of this to aid drug development, improve patient care, and answer questions at the forefront of medical science.

Did you know each adult mating can produce up to 300 eggs? This provides a great deal of data for performing statistical analysis.

If you use this facility as part of a project, we’ll provide you with training.

Pathology museum

Our on-site Museum of Human Diseases houses a collection of over 2,000 pathological specimens, including those donated by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie in 1843. This space is used for small group tutorials exploring the mechanisms of disease.

Library and learning technology

Our library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You’ll find silent, quiet and group learning spaces, as well as group discussion rooms.

We have a wide range of books, e-books, academic journals and other resources. You’ll also have access to online resources, such as the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment and our Hunter discovery service.

Need accessibility equipment? The library also loans noise-cancelling headphones, laptop stands, coloured overlays, desktop whiteboards, and more.

IT facilities

We have an extensive range of IT facilities, including:

  • 260 workstations in five computer suites, three of which are open 24 hours a day
  • 75 self-service laptops available
  • Free Wi-Fi covering the whole campus, including our halls of residence accommodation.

You can use these resources to access your course materials, discussion boards and feedback through Canvas.

Looking for a free space? Simply use our handy real-time computer locator.

University of London

BLOOM@Senate House

As St George's is part of the University of London, you have access to BLOOM@Senate House, a unique space in the heart of Bloomsbury. Senate House offers a central London base which is particularly useful if you’re studying or living further out. The area has great transport links, making it easy to access from anywhere in London or further afield.

Senate House Library

Students can join the Senate House library free of charge. Your membership includes a 10-book borrowing allowance, access to all reading rooms and study areas, and on-site access to digital resources.

Student support

From day one, you’ll become part of a community of staff and students of different ages, ethnicities, nationalities and backgrounds. Everyone you meet will have one thing in common – a passion for healthcare, science and medicine.

Whether you’re an existing healthcare professional, returning to education after a break or joining us after graduating from an undergraduate degree, we want to help you make the most of your time here. To do this, we offer a full range of academic support and student services.

Careers service

We offer 1:1 career guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate students at every stage of your professional development, from the start of your course through to graduation and beyond. As a student, you’ll also benefit from career development activities that are specifically tailored to your course.

What we offer:

  • Career guidance: We offer 30-minute 1:1 careers guidance sessions to support you in your career planning, build your confidence, and help you identify next steps on your career journey.
  • CV and application advice: We can review your applications with you, support you in presenting yourself to potential employers, tailor your applications to a particular role and help you stand out from your competition.
  • Practice interviews: Work on the content, structure, and delivery of your answers, whether that’s motivation questions, competency questions, role-specific questions or Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).
  • Interactive workshops: Our career education workshops are tailored and delivered within courses. Topics may include understanding the graduate job market, learning through reflection on career decision-making, making successful applications and making an impact at interviews.
  • Careers fairs: These are opportunities to explore career paths in different areas and specialities, meet with employers, and have valuable conversations to inform your career thinking.
  • Online support: We offer specific information tailored to each course, plus general careers support and resources relevant to whatever your career choices and direction via our Canvas Virtual Learning Environment.

Cost of Living

We know that this may be a worrying time for our students and their families. Our Cost of Living Hub contains the latest information to our community affected by the rising cost of living. We provide students with various financial support, budgeting advice as well as employability options.

Disability support

If you require reasonable adjustments or disability services, you can find information on our disability information for students pages. For any further information please contact the disability adviser.

The Graduate School

Our Graduate School brings together postgraduate students from different disciplines, allowing you to support and learn from each other while expanding your professional networks.

The Graduate School works closely with our research institutes and provides opportunities for personal and professional development. You’ll also have access to a postgraduate common room where postgraduate students and early career researchers can study and socialise.

Induction programme

Our induction sets you up for your studies and helps you feel part of the University. As well as course-specific activities, we run an online ‘Get Started’ module which provides information about:

  • Social and enrichment activities
  • Student safety
  • Wellbeing and learning support
  • Study skills
  • Our library facilities
  • Careers and employability services

International student support

Our International Students Support service is part of the Student Life Centre and provides information on visas, settlement schemes, enrolment and more. To find out more, visit our EU and international support pages.

If you’re an international student, get in touch with the team as soon as you accept your offer via

Mental health support

St George’s has a confidential, free and impartial counselling service available to all students. You can also access services through our Student Life Centre and our online resources. This includes links to NHS resources, apps, podcasts and websites dedicated to mental health and wellbeing.

Personal academic tutor

When you start your course, we’ll allocate you a personal tutor. This is a member of the academic team who you’ll see regularly to monitor your progress and pick up any problems, both academic and personal. Even if they don’t have the answer, they’ll point you in the right direction towards the support you need.

Student Ambassador Scheme

Our Student Ambassadors support student recruitment events, widening participation activities such as Science Stars and schemes such as Unibuddy Reps. Our Student Ambassadors also help with one-off or less regular events and creating student generated content like blogs and videos.

Student Life Centre

Our Student Life Centre team can help you with every aspect of student life including:

  • Finances
  • Accommodation
  • Exams and assessment
  • Academic procedures
  • Admissions
  • International queries
  • Disability and wellbeing
  • Confidential counselling service

Your personal tutor can also signpost you to relevant support.

Students’ Union

St George's Students' Union (SU) is an independent organisation run by students for students. The SU runs a wide range of events and is home to the SU Bar and Shop, music room, dance studios and meeting rooms. The team also provides welfare support for all students, with an open-door policy.

Want to join a sports team? Eager to try something new? We encourage you to take part in the wide range of sports, social and cultural activities and events on offer. From fencing to hockey, yoga to hiking, we have over 100 clubs and societies so you can be sure to find something that will interest you.

Our popular ‘Mums and Dads’ buddy scheme is organised by the Students’ Union. Every first year has the choice of being assigned a ‘parent’ from the year above in their respective course. The returning student acts as a go to for advice about courses and university life.

Students with children

Juggling study and parenthood can be difficult, particularly if you’re taking a demanding medical or healthcare degree. Our Student Parents and Carers Empowered (SPACE) society is a group run by studying parents that meets monthly to support each other and discuss how to balance family life with studying. For more information, email the SPACE society.


We’re here to help you develop the academic skills you need to succeed and make the most of our library collections.

  • Sessions and tutorials on literature searches, keyword searches and using databases
  • Training materials for academic planning, reading and writing to develop key transferable skills
  • 1:1 meetings for a tailored approach to your academic support needs


Experts from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have helped us design this course. This means you’ll be equipped with skills that are in high demand in the life sciences sector.

You’ll be able to show potential employers you have expertise in scientific communication, bench-to-bedside pathways, genomic diagnostics and data analysis, as well as research experience and training.

Ultimately, you’ll have learnt everything you need to become a confident scientist. You’ll be able to carry out common laboratory techniques, effectively manage projects and present scientific material. Some students continue to doctoral-level study while others find rewarding roles in research and development.

Previous students have gone on to work for example in the biotech/pharmaceutical sector, in a medical diagnostics lab, as a data analyst or continued to study medicine or for a PhD.

Fees and funding

In this tab you will find the financial information for this course of study, including details of financial support.

Tuition fees 2025

  • MSc (home): £10,950
  • MSc (international including EU): £16,750

We do not expect students to incur any extra costs over and above those that we have advertised on the course page. To get the most from your studies, you will need your personal computer or laptop and an internet connection in your home. Find out more about technology requirements.

Funding your study

We have a range of funding opportunities available for students. You may be eligible for the following:

How to apply

Before beginning your application please check the entry criteria of the course you wish to study to ensure you meet the required standards.

Applications must be submitted through our online application system, which you can access below. Guidance on submitting an application can be found on our how to apply webpage.

Access our online application system

1. Select the relevant application link and create an account:

2. Once you've created an account, you will then be able to complete the application form and upload any relevant documents. You can save a partly completed form and return to it later. Please make sure you complete all sections. Please make sure that the information you provide is accurate, including the options you select in menus.

3. Add to your address book to ensure you do not miss any important emails from us.

4. When you have checked that your application is complete and accurate, click ‘submit’.

You can track your application through your online account.

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Guidance for completing your references

When completing your application, you will be asked to provide contact details of two referees. Please ensure these details are accurate. As soon as you have submitted your application, your referees will be contacted by the university asking them to upload a reference to your online application.

One must be a recent academic reference. The other should be either a second academic reference or a professional/employer reference. They should cover your suitability for the course and your academic ability.

Your referees should know you well enough, in an official capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education. We do not accept references from family, friends, partners, ex-partners or yourself.

We will send reminder emails to your referees but it is your responsibility to ensure that contact details are correct and referees are available to submit a reference. References should be uploaded within two weeks of making your application.

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One year, full-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025

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