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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Olivia Shaw-LovellOlivia Shaw-Lovell is studying our Global Health MSc. She tells us about the supportive and community environment at City St George's and her perspective as a Chevening Scholar.

"This course encourages you to think creatively, work collaboratively, and make a meaningful difference in people's lives."

Please tell us about your academic and professional background 

I hold a BSc in Medical Technology from the University of Technology, Jamaica which I obtained in 2015. I never worked in the field as I had a change of mind and pursued service in social development through the formation of a non-profit women's organisation within my community, Mt Salem, supporting marginalised women. I have been leading the organisation - Women of Destiny, Ja - by supporting women's empowerment through mentorship and advocacy programmes. This has earned me tremendous opportunities for example, representing my country at a US Department of State Fellowship programme and gaining awards such as Canada’s #SheLeadsHere, Advocate in Jamaica and Jamaica’s Prime Minister Youth Award.

Why did you choose to study at City St George’s?

During my search for a university that would offer a focus on mental health, City St George’s description of its Global Health course was outstanding and showed the progressive approach to education that I needed. Its unique offering of being attached to a world-renowned hospital was just what I needed to merge my love for medical sciences and experience in the development sector. Even more exciting was the fact that it was a close-knit institution which made the choice better for an international student who desired to feel connected and welcomed i.e. a home away from home.

Please can you tell us about how City St George's supported you during your studies?

City St George's has an excellent policy for mature students, which was very important for me when I found out I was pregnant and had to make a final decision about which institution to attend. The policy was inclusive and provided a sense of security, knowing that the university cared about my well-being, and I wouldn't have to reconsider my studies due to pregnancy. One of the most significant advantages of the university is its strategic location inside St George’s Hospital. As an expectant mother, being away from family and friends, I felt safe with my classmates and lecturers coming from medical backgrounds. Moreover, the proximity to medical practitioners at St George’s Hospital gave me peace of mind, knowing that I would receive immediate assistance in case of any emergency.

What was your experience of applying for the Chevening Scholarship?

As an international student from Jamaica, a low-middle income country, I was eager to pursue my higher education at a low to no cost. However, obtaining a scholarship and funding was challenging. I was one of thirteen Jamaican recipients, and currently, I am the only Chevening Scholar at the School of Health and Medical Sciences. Despite this, I never felt alone as the City St George’s International team were very hands-on throughout my transition process from acceptance to arrival in the country and my overall settlement experience. This contrasts with the experiences of my fellow scholars at other institutions, which reinforces the community experience that City St Georges offers.

The Chevening Scholarship has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to pursue studies at City St George's, a partner institution I might not have considered otherwise. The application process, though rigorous and competitive, has equipped me with the skills and clarity necessary to excel in my academic pursuits. Despite its competitiveness, I highly recommend applying for the Chevening Scholarship as it offers full funding and access to a vast and supportive network of Chevening alumni. If, like me, you thrive on challenges and seek personal growth, pursuing this scholarship could be the ideal pathway for you.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

The Global Health course provides a wide range of modules that differ from the usual biomedical modules that are typically found in global health courses worldwide. The opportunity to take a more humanities-based approach to global health is a unique angle of study that is particularly relevant to my personal and professional work as a gender advocate.

What key skills did you gain from studying your course?

I am proud of the skills I acquired during my course, especially research and critical thinking, which will undoubtedly be useful in my future endeavours. However, what truly stood out was the realisation of the importance of centring the narratives of those who have lived and experienced global health issues, particularly in the context of being a global health actor. I believe this newfound perspective will allow me to become a more empathetic and effective healthcare professional.

How is City St George’s helping you to develop your career?

My professional aspirations involve continued leadership of my non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Jamaica and seeking opportunities to serve as an international consultant for development-focused projects, programmes, or policy development primarily on the issues concerning gender equality and health and well-being. Ultimately, I would like to hold a position where I can create and influence policies and laws for Jamaica's development both domestically and globally.

Are you involved in any extra-curricular activities?

I am a part of the City St George's Christian Union (Tooting campus), and I appreciate the sense of community that comes with sharing university life with fellow believers of my faith. I admire how purposeful and well-organised their weekly events and activities are, as they offer a variety of engaging experiences.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying your course?

The Global Health course at the School of Health and Medical Sciences is a remarkable opportunity that can inspire you to make a positive impact on the world. This course explores global health challenges from multiple perspectives, including biomedical, humanities, and ethics. Being a part of this course, you gain a deep understanding of the complex health challenges faced by communities across the globe and develop innovative solutions to address them. This course encourages you to think creatively, work collaboratively, and make a meaningful difference in people's lives. If you are looking for an inspiring and fulfilling experience that can transform your life and the lives of others, the Global Health course at City St George’s is the perfect choice for you.

Describe City St George’s in 3 words

Progressive, Community, Innovative.


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