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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

City St George’s School of Health & Medical Sciences is committed to providing the opportunity of higher education to all students who can benefit from it, regardless of circumstance and background. We also want to ensure that students from underrepresented groups are able to attend on-site events at City St George’s School of Health & Medical Sciences (Tooting campus) in order to make informed choices about their future.  We are proud to offer a travel bursary to support such students to attend key events at City St George’s School of Health & Medical Sciences (Tooting campus).

The travel bursary is available to cover reasonable costs on public transport or reimbursement of petrol costs. Please note, travel by taxis is not included in the travel bursary.

Click on each of the sections below to find out if you are eligible for the bursary and how to apply.

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Frequently asked questions

We've compiled the following list of frequently asked questions  to help answer questions you may have about the travel bursary.

Click each question to reveal the answer.

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Find out more

If you do not meet any of the criteria listed but require assistance with travel costs to a City St George’s School of Health & Medical Sciences (Tooting campus) open day/interview/applicant or offer holder day, please get in touch by emailing

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