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To bring up a list of the published course pages on the website, click on the “Content Types” dropdown on the left-hand Search panel, then select “Course”. You can then search for individual courses using the “Title” field.

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Click on the course you need to edit and you will see the course editing screen.

  • Title: this should generally not include the degree qualification

  • Summary: this is used as the description on the course listing page:
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  • Keywords: these are used for the searching feature on the listing page

  • Degree Qualification

  • Course Type: Undergraduate, Postgradudate, Professional Degree

  • Course Duration, Location, Start Date(s), UCAS Code, Application Deadline and Course Application Area (accepted areas, sub details) are used in the blue highlight box on the Overview tab:
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  • Course duration, Application deadline, UCAS Code, Application link and Apply Button Text are used on the purple “Apply Now” banner:
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Editing course pages

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Course overview

The Overview tab is built from two sections of the editing page: Course Overview and Tab 1 – Overview Section – Additional Components.

  • Course Overview: this content is displayed next to the blue highlight box and can contain free text, images and accordion rows.
  • Tab 1 – Overview Section – Additional Components: this is used for content to display on the Overview tab between the blue highlight box and the purple Apply now banner. This area can contain a combination of free text areas, embedded videos, card sliders and accordion rows. You can also create a grey highlight area using the “Content Textarea + Component (Grey)” button.

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The Course – Tab Config area allows you to set titles for each tab and to remove additional tabs.

  • To change a title, simply enter text into the “Tab Title” field.

  • To hide a tab, click the “Visibility” slider.

Scroll down the page to then edit your tabs. The tabs have a few additional content options:

  • Content quote: creates a block quote

  • Content tabs: see the IP Telephony page for an example of this component

  • Content line break: a horizontal line break.

Related courses

You can change the related courses by using the “Related courses” section at the bottom of the page.

Updating course documents

To update a course document, follow the instructions on our Documents, Images and Other Files page.

Note: make sure that you do not change the file name, as this will cause its link to break.


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