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From the content entry list, select Main - News.

Once published, a news article will automatically appear in the main news feed page of the site.

To create a news entry, you will need to fill in the following fields in the entry editor.  

  • Title: enter the title of your news article. 

  • Feature news article: set this article to "yes" to set this as the featured story at the top of the news feed.

  • Summary: this is the short description that appears on the news feed page. 

  • Publish date: this sets when the article will be published. Set a date in the future to schedule publication of your article. 

  • Article: this is where the body of your article is created. You can include:

    • markup: this is for standard body text 

    • quote: this creates a blockquote for your article

    • image: insert a full-width image 

    • image inline: this allows you to add an image alongside your text

    • asset: creates a link to a file or document to download from your article 

    • video embed: insert a video from YouTube.

A screenshot of the news article editor.

  • Hero image: this is the banner image for your article .
  • Thumbnail image: this is the image that appears on the news feed.

  • Keywords:  add keywords to help users find your article via the search function of the site. 

  • Related institutes: tick a relevant institute.


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