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The CMS contains its own form building tool. The flexible tool allows you to create quick and easy ways for your users to interact with St George’s. Forms are good alternatives to traditional Word document forms and ask far less of the user.

Where to find your forms

Forms are kept at the path: site-elements > forms > your team name

A screenshot of the CMS form builder.

The form building tool

There are 2 layers to the tool: the CMS entry and the form.

Details in the CMS entry – form name, version history, comments etc – are controlled by the light grey box at the top: Content, Properties, Version History, Comments.

The form itself – its fields, headings and submission options – are controlled by the dark grey field: Add a Field, Field Settings, Form Settings.

A screenshot of the CMS form builder.

How to edit existing forms

Click on the form and select Edit. This will open the form building tool.

To edit the name or check previous versions of the form, use the Content and Version History tabs in the top grey box.

Editing options

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Edit fields or headings in a form
  • Click on the Content tab.
  • Click on the field you’d like to edit – this will outline it in green and open the Field Settings tab.
  • Use the options on the left-hand side to edit the field.
  • Save and submit your changes for approval. 
Edit submission options

Click on the Form Settings tab.

The Confirmation Options section controls what happens when a user submits a form.

  • Show text: the message in this box will appear on the web page when the user submits the form.

  • Send confirmation email to user: this can only be used if you have included an “email” field in your form.

  • Send to: use the dropdown to select the email field in your form.

  • Reply to: if you want the user to reply to you via the confirmation email, enter your email address here.

  • Confirmation email message: this is the text displayed in the confirmation email.

  • Include a copy of the user’s form post: this will include the details the user entered in the form in the confirmation email.

Notification Options control the emails sent to your team to notify you when a user submits the form.

  • Send to: enter the email address to receive the submissions. You can enter multiple emails – there should only be one per line.

  • Message subject: this is the subject of the notification email you’ll receive.

  • Include a copy of the user’s form post: make sure you always check this box. 

Once you're finished, save and submit your changes for approval. 

Create a new form

Click on the Add a Field tab. This will bring up the fields to build your form.

To add a field to your form, simply drag and drop into the right-hand side of the page. You can drag and drop fields to rearrange them.

Once you're finished, save and submit your changes for approval.


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This is the standard single-line text field. Users can enter letters, numbers and symbols.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Size: set the size of the field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the text box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide. 

Multi-line textbox

This a larger text field for more detailed responses.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Size: set the size of the field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the text box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide. 


Users will only be able to enter numbers into this field.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Size: set the size of the field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the text box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


Use this field if you want to allow the user to check multiple options.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Layout: changes how the checkboxes are arranged.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Choices: enter the options for users to check. Use the plus and minus buttons to add or remove checkboxes.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Radio buttons

Users will only be able to select one button.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Layout: changes how the buttons are arranged.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Choices: enter the options for users to select. Use the plus and minus buttons to add or remove buttons.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


This is a good alternative to radio buttons if you’re offering a large set of options.

  • Field label: this is the title of the field.

  • Size: set the size of the field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Choices: enter the options for users to select. Use the plus and minus buttons to add or remove entries in the dropdown list.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Section header

This helps you split up your form using sub headings.

  • Field label: this is the header.

  • Instructions: this is the description paragraph under the header. 

Page break

This allows you to break up long forms into individual pages.

  • Next button text: allows you to customise the text that appears in the next page button.

This is a pre-designed field to capture the user’s name.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Postal address

This is a pre-designed field to capture the user’s address.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Email address

This is a pre-designed field to capture the user’s email address.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Phone number

This is a pre-designed field to capture the user’s email address.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


A pre-designed field to capture a user’s website.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial value: this automatically appears in the box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.

Date picker

Brings up a calendar to help user’s enter a date.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Initial date: this automatically appears in the box, and can be used to provide more detail for the user.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


A pre-designed field to capture a specific time.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


Allows a user to upload a document with their submission.

  • Field label: you can change the heading for this field.

  • Size: change the size of the field.

  • Options: click Required to set this as a required field.

  • Allowed file types: specify the specific file types you’ll accept.

  • Instructions: this will appear when the user hovers over the field. Use this to specify the information you want the user to provide.


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