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The Related links component allows you to display a set of links to appear across multiple pages. The component sits on the right-hand side of the page, under the navigation block, and automatically appears on all content pages. It can be removed, if no related links have been created for your pages.

You can see an example of this component on the right-hand side of this page.

How to create related links

  1. Create a folder called "related links".
    Note: this folder must sit in the same folder as the page you're editing.

  2. Open the folder's properties, and add the hyperlink content type. See the Documents, Images and Other Files page for full instructions.

  3. To add your links, click on the folder and select New content.

  4. Select the Hyperlink option in the right-hand column.

  5. Click on the new link icon that has appeared in your related links folder and select Edit.

  6. Enter the name of your link destination in the Title field at the top of the screen.

  7. Under the What type of link is this? dropdown, you have three options:

    • URL: used for external website — enter the full URL in the URL address field

    • CMS Content: for linking to St George's website pages — click the blue Browse button and check the page or item you want to link to.

    • Email link.

  8. Click Save, and, if you're happy to publish, Workflow then Submit & Approve.


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