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When you've finished making changes to your page, you will have 3 options: save, preview or publish.

How to save, preview and publish

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Clicking Save will save the changes you've made in a draft version of the page. This means your changes have not been sent for publishing, and will not appear on the live website.


The preview function allows you to view the changes you've made before publishing them to the live website. 

  • Click on the dropdown arrow in the Preview button at the top right.

  • Select Preview without toolbar to test.

Note: the preview function only works in the Chrome browser. It will not work if you are using Firefox or Internet Explorer.

A preview page will be indicated by a URL beginning with


Once you're ready to publish your changes, click on the Workflow button. This will bring up a series of actions:

  • check-in — this allows other web editors to open the page for editing

  • pass to another user — this allows you to send this page to another web editor so that they can also make changes

  • submit — this sends your changes to your approver for review. 

  • submit with message — send your changes to your approver with a message attached. 
Publication status

Publishing content to the website goes through three stages, each with its own traffic light status:

  • red: the content is being edited, and has not yet been published to the website

  • amber: the content has been submitted for approval

  • green: the content has been published to the website.

Editing an existing page will show either red and green or amber and green, which says there is a live version of the page on the website, but it is currently being edited.

You can check a page's status by clicking on it and selecting Information.

Checking the status of your submitted pages

From your dashboard, click the Reports button at the top-right, then select Content currently submitted by me

This will show you all of the pages you have awaiting approval.

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You will also receive email notification when the changes you have made have been declined by your approver. 

If your changes are declined

Open the page you have edited, then click on the Comments tab. This will bring up the comments left by your approver explaining why your changes were declined.

Once you’ve addressed their feedback, resubmit your changes to your approver. 


Approver's guide: reviewing and publishing

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Where to find content awaiting your approval

To view the changes awaiting your approval, click on the tick button next to the Contensis icon in the top-left. 

This will bring up a list of pages that have changes awaiting your approval.approve 1

You will also receive an email notification when a page has been submitted for approval. 

Reviewing changes

Before approving or declining, navigate to the Options column and select:

  • edit if you want to open the page and view the changes in the CMSapprove edit

  • preview if you would like to see the changes on a preview page.approve preview

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You can also select Approve / Decline, for more details about the changes. This allows you to see who made changes to the page and when, as well as view the changes as:

  • dual view, a side-by-side comparison of the current page and the updated page

  • track changes, which highlights the changes made

  • preview, viewing a preview version of the changes. 

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Approving or declining changes

Once you’ve reviewed the changes, you have three options:

  • Revoke & Edit, if you want to adjust the page yourself before approving it and sending it for publishing.
  • Approve the changes and send them for publishing
  • Decline the changes and send them back to the editor with a message about why the changes were declined.

approve decline


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