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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Our Tooting campus has a contracted team of security personnel who provide a 24/7 presence on site and at the Hortin Halls, our Tooting halls of residence. The team coordinates the security of the building from the security control centre (SCC), which can be found next to the Hunter Wing reception (Tooting campus).

We use a range of security equipment to ensure the safety and security of the buildings and the people inside, including CCTV, alarm systems and access control systems.

Contacts details for the Tooting campus Security Team 

  • Control Centre: 020 8725 2841 / ext 52841
  • Security emergency line: 020 8725 0909 / ext 50909
  • Security contract manager: ext. 30035.


Access to the Tooting site

Security is also responsible for controlling key/lock management and out-of-hours access. If you require help accessing a room or area of City St George’s Tooting campus or if you have lost your key/ID card, please contact security in person and they will be able to assist you.

ID cards should be worn by all staff, students, contractors and visitors while on the Tooting campus.

Security for Horton Halls (Halls of Residence)

Our Tooting halls of residence have a security presence on site 24/7. The team coordinates the security of halls from the reception desk at the main entrance of the building.

They are there to assist with any security issues on site, ranging from lost keys and out-of-hours maintenance issues to noise disturbances.

If you require assistance or spot something suspicious, please call Security on 020 8696 1133, or ext. 6002 or 6003.

ICTS are our security contractor helping to keep our staff and students in a safe environment.

Security policies and procedures 


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