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How we talk about ourselves, how we describe the work we do and, more importantly, why we do it influences the perception that others have of us. Over time, these perceptions shape our reputation, so it’s vital we carefully consider the words we use when describing who we are and what we do.

Through the Reputation and Visual Identity Project, we created an overarching messaging framework for St George's, consulting staff, students and alumni on what makes St George's unique and special.  The framework aims to describe fundamentally who we are and what we do. It's a shorthand for describing who we are as an organisation, a starting point in the conversation.

Coupled with our writing style guide, this should provide a toolkit to talk about St George's consistently and proudly.

Our messaging framework

(our rank or status)
St George’s: the UK’s specialist health university 
(our area of activity)
Shaping modern health with transformative research, expert teaching and hands-on learning 

(our heart-felt ambition) 

Advancing health research and education that transforms people’s lives in our community, throughout the UK and around the world 

(the principles behind our actions) 

We’re a passionate, values-driven community of experts and specialists, grounded in real life health issues, working together to make a difference to people’s lives 

(the lasting impression we want to create) 

St George’s: a unique research and teaching environment designed for professional and personal success 

(how we go about our business) 

  • Friendly 

  • Supportive/Nurturing 

  • Inspiring 

  • Compassionate 

  • Hands-on 

To see our messaging framework in action, listen to the script of the recent Clearing campaign TV advert: 



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