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The guidance on this page should be followed internally until 31 July 2024 and externally until 3 March 2025.

Learn more about our visual identity from 1 August 2024. If you have questions about our brand please contact


The St George's, University of London logo

Our logo should be used on everything we produce. It’s our icon, the symbol that defines our commitment to advancing health research and education that transform people’s lives in our community, throughout the UK and around the world.

The logo should always be used, on everything we produce, to help strengthen and amplify our brand.

Logo variants

Variants of the St George's logo Our logo used in a variety of colours.


The standard colour for the horse and rider of our logo is green and black. The logo can also be used in any other colours within our palette to add colour and interest to vibrant projects. The default is to use the green and black variant.

Logo placements

Example of a branded St George's letter with letterhead. A standard St George’s letterhead, available for download on the Templates and downloads page.


The preferred position of the logo is aligned in the top left of documents and designs. This allows space to the right side of the page, screen or environment to imply our advancing patterns are moving forwards.

It is important to give the logo enough space, so that it doesn’t feel cramped. To allow the logo space to breathe, the files available have the exclusion zone built in.

The letterhead template is available on the Templates and downloads page.

Logo size

When using the logo on A4 documents, it should be 58mm wide.

For a full breakdown of sizes, view the full brand guidelines (PDF).

Advancing patterns


Our brand uses the advancing graphic elements to create a distinctive and flexible visual system that works across all communications.

These patterns are derived from the work that we do collectively as a university. They symbolise the movement, development and community of our staff, students and alumni, and our research endeavours. As one, we work to progress healthcare and to affect change at both a macro and micro scale, around us and globally.

The work we do as a collective, is a key element in our brand and therefore should be used whenever possible. Using it correctly is key to maintaining a coherent visual brand.

Our advancing graphics can be used independently, or interact with our imagery.

They should appear in colours from our palette. Tinted and white graphics are also permitted.

They should travel from left to right in an upwards direction to add a sense of movement and energy.

They are always angled at 45 degrees.


Our brand is underpinned with a flexible colour palette designed to be vibrant, modern and distinctive.

Core colours

Our core colours are Pantone 3278 green and Pantone 309 navy. When in doubt about which colours to use, these should be the first choice.

Supporting colours

Use these to add variety and support to the core colours. They work well to code, segment and highlight across all applications.

Heritage colours

Gold and Silver foil printing techniques can be used for communications that want to emphasise our heritage, such as on our degree certificates.

Using colours

Minimal colour usage is the most graphically effective and colour contrast enhances accessibility and impact. Tints are also permitted.

Colours should compliment any images you use.


Our colours are slightly different when used online, to ensure we meet accessibility standards and deliver clear, well contrasted content. See the brand guidelines (PDF) for full details.


Examples of Fs Elliot text Our FS Elliot font and the weights we use.


Typography is integral to our visual brand. The right typeface conveys our personality through the words we use even when other elements are absent.

All of our professionally designed communications use FS Elliot and Big Caslon.

Big Caslon is used sparingly, to add a sense of heritage on appropriate documents, such as graduation brochures.

For web and Microsoft Office applications, we use Arial. This font is standard and available on all machines. There is no need to use FS Elliot or Big Caslon when writing letters and other similar communications.


We use photography to communicate and promote our values and the diversity, energy and personality of what we do. Authentic and real photography allows us to tell our stories.

Our images show real people; professional services staff, academics, medical professionals, and students, in real life situations. They’re shot in a dynamic and compelling way.

They should feel observational and spontaneous rather than staged and should reflect our commitment to equality and diversity. Unusual angles and dramatic cropping will add to the impact.

Wherever possible our photography showcases real people who we work with, rather than models.

We should always ensure that images are of a high quality, taken at a resolution high enough to be used at the correct size at 300dpi for print, and at least 72dpi for digital applications (e.g. on our website).

If you are planning to use a particular image ensure you have permission from the copyright holder. We should never use images sourced from web search engines, as they may not have copyright availability and may be used by other companies in differing ways that alter the message we intend to convey.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

For a list of frequently asked questions, please visit our Brand queries and FAQs page.


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