This flowchart (PDF) provides an overview of the process for requesting a new supplier to be set up in FRIS (Agresso).
It is important that your supplier is set up on the system before agreeing to buy goods or services as failure to do so could expose the University to unacceptable risks and result in delayed payment. Before engaging third party suppliers, it is important to note the following:
- Ensure that CGST purchasing thresholds have been complied with. Overall spend needs to be taken into consideration by aggregating total expenditure over the term of the proposed contract or over 4 years if the term is uncertain.
- Check to see if the required supplier is already listed in FRIS or if there is an existing preferred supplier or secondary supplier.
- If there is no suitable supplier in FRIS send a New Supplier Details Form to the potential supplier asking them to complete it and return it to you together with their bank details on company letterhead and signed by a senior official. You will be required to attach the suppliers email containing both of these documents to your request in FRIS.
- Carefully follow the steps in this guide or quick card to submit your new supplier request in FRIS.
- On receipt of your request, checks will be carried out to ensure that there is no other suitable supplier already on the system, the supplier is creditworthy and there is not a more efficient means of paying the supplier.
- To find out where your request is in the FRIS workflow, go to ‘Procurement' and click on ‘Enquiries' under ‘Supplier Information'. Click ‘Workflow enquiry – Supplier’ and search for your request by entering the supplier’s name or ID. Click the ‘Load’ button and once loaded, the map icon on the far right to view the workflow map.
Please note, to avoid delays or rejection of your request, please ensure you:
- Follow the step by step guides above.
- Have obtained the all necessary post-merger budgetary approvals for your purchase.
- Have completed the HMRC Employment Status tooland passed the results to Payroll for a decision, if the supplier is an individual.
- Have attached the correct number of quotes if estimated spend over contract term with the supplier is greater than £2k. A summary of the purchasing thresholds is shown below:
- £2k - £10k 2 quotes required
- £10k - £50k 3 quotes required
- >£50k - please refer to the Corporate Procurement Unit
- Have completed a Single Tender Justification if the supplier is a SOLE supplier of the goods / services being purchased and the estimated value is greater than £2k when spread over the length of the contract (or 4 years if contract term is undetermined).
- Have completed a Whole Life Costs - Equipment Purchase form for large equipment purchases.
- Have completed all required fields and forms accurately and in full and attached all required documentation to your request.
If you have a procurement-related uery please do not hesitate to contact the Corporate Procurement Unit for advice and support.
For FRIS system issues, contact
For IT system issues, contact