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The Student Experience Team is responsible for the delivery of the annual survey campaigns, alongside colleagues from across the University. This page aims to detail information about each of the surveys, and act as a resource bank for staff. If you would like any of the resources in an alternative format, please contact

Annual surveys

National Student Survey (NSS)

The National Student Survey (NSS) is a survey of all final year undergraduates in the UK and it gathers students' opinions on the quality of their courses. The survey is conducted by Ipsos, an independent research agency. It is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) on behalf of the UK funding and regulatory bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The survey can be accessed by eligible students from mid-January to the end of April, with results normally being published by mid-July. 

For 2024, students will be able to complete the survey up until 30 April. 

As an incentive, each student who participates in the NSS will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 19 Love2Shop vouchers worth between £25-£200.

Table of NSS Resources
 Resource Name Resource Link
 NSS Staff Briefing Guide 2023 (Word)  Download Here
 Inappropriate Influence Helpsheet (PDF)  Download Here
 NSS Core Questionnaire 2023 (PDF)  Download Here 
 NSS Questionnaire 2022 v 2023 Comparison (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Director to Teaching Team (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Director/Lead/Teaching Staff to Students (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Lead to Students - Communication 1 (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Lead to Students - Reminder (Word)  Download Here
 Teaching Slides (PowerPoint)  Download Here
 Teaching Slides (PDF)  Download Here

Student Experience Survey (SES)

The Student Experience Survey (SES) is an internal survey run for all non-final year undergraduates at City St George's (Tooting campus). The questions are based upon those in the National Student Survey (NSS). The survey normally runs in February and March, with results normally being published by mid-April.

For 2024, students will be able to complete the survey up until 30 April

As an incentive, each student who completes the SES will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 19 Love2Shop vouchers worth between £25-£200.

Student Experience Survey Resources
 Resource Name  Resource Link
 Resource Name Resource Link
 SES Staff Briefing Guide 2023 (Word)  Download Here
 SES Core Questionnaire 2023 (PDF)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Director/Lead to Teaching Team and Staff (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Lead to Students - Communication 1 (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Lead to Students - Communication 2 (Word)  Download Here
 Email Template - Course Lead to Students - Reminder (Word)  Download Here
 Teaching Slides (PowerPoint)  Download Here
 Teaching Slides (PDF)  Download Here
 SES Poster (PDF)  Download Here
 SES Graphic (JPG)  Download Here

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) enables postgraduate students on taught courses to reflect and feedback on their studies and overall experience at City St George's (Tooting campus), including supervision, resources, postgraduate community, skills and professional development. The survey is facilitated by Advance HE, a national organisation encouraging excellence in Higher Education. Further information about the survey is available on the Advance HE Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey webpage . 

The survey normally runs from February to mid-June, with results normally being published at the end of July. 

For 2024, the PTES survey campaign will run until 15 June.

As an incentive, each student who completes the PTES will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 4 Love2Shop vouchers worth £250 each! 

Table of PTES Resources


PTES Resources Table
 Resource Name Resource Link
 PTES Staff Briefing Guide 2023 (Word)  Download Here
 PTES Student Briefing Guide 2023 (Word)  Download Here
 PTES Core Questionnaire 2023 (Word)  Download Here
 Direct Survey Link (to share with Students) (Web Link)   Access Here
 Survey Invitation and Information Communications from Staff to Students (Word)  Download Here
 PTES Slide for Teaching Sessions (PPT)  Download Here
 PTES Colour Logo - Large (PNG)  Download Here

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) enables postgraduate research students the opportunity to feedback on their experience at City St George's (Tooting campus), including aspects such as supervision, resources, research community, skills and professional development, and wellbeing. The survey, like the PTES, is facilitated by Advance HE. Further information about the survey is available on the Advance HE Postgraduate Research Experience Survey webpage

The survey normally runs from February to mid-June, with results normally being published at the end of July.

In 2024, the PRES will run from 4 April until 14 May.


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