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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

As current events continue to affect the lives of many of our staff and students, we wanted to reassure you that help and support is available at St George's. Please find below details of the ways in which you can seek support and raise concerns.

Wellbeing support

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Support for students

Staff at St George’s have been working to identify and support those affected by international conflict, and we encourage you to contact the Student Life Centre, Personal Tutors, programme teams, or the Counselling Service, if you need to talk to someone or seek help.  

You can also use the following channels of support, should you need them: 

Support for staff
  • Staff are encouraged to speak to their line manager if they need to seek support.
  • Our Counselling Service is available to staff.  Register for counselling or email if you have any questions for the team. 
  • The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) (PDF) is available to staff, free of charge. This is a 24/7 service provided by Confidential Care, offering advice on a variety of topics as well as counselling and emotional support.
  • We offer spiritual support to staff and students.  

We are also arranging training for front-line staff so they may be better prepared to support students impacted by international conflict.

Raising concerns and complaints

St George's is committed to creating a safe, inclusive community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, in line with our values of Collaboration, Ambition, Respect and Equity. We are proud of the diversity of perspectives on campus but make clear in our policies and procedures that abuse, racism, religious prejudice or harassment will not be tolerated.  

Staff and students are able to confidentially raise concerns and complaints through a range of channels.  

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Support for students

There are several University staff, including Personal Tutors and Students' Union representatives, who can provide informal, confidential support, as well as formal complaint procedures. Students can confidentially report incidences of bullying, harassment, or discrimination via our student concerns and complaints procedure.

The following organisations have provided guidance on reporting discrimination: 

Support for staff

Staff can find information about how to report incidents of bullying, harassment or discrimination, including details of our Dignity at Work Policy and staff to approach to informally discuss concerns, on these pages.

The following organisations have provided guidance on reporting discrimination: 

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