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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

One year full-time; two years part-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025


St George’s, University of London

UK, EU and non-EU (International)

citizens may apply

Start dates

8 September 2025

Discover how theory applies to practice and shape the future of neuroscience healthcare delivery to improve patient care.

From migraine and traumatic brain injury to motor neurone disease and dementia, one in six people in the UK are diagnosed with a neurological condition. 

To help meet the growing demand for experts in this area, we’ve designed a course that explores how to provide high-quality care, as well as the psychological impact of neurological conditions on cognition, emotion and behaviour. We focus on using the latest evidence-based practice while listening to patients' lived experiences.

If you complete a clinical placement, you’ll work alongside healthcare leaders. You’ll observe as they deliver the latest treatments like deep brain stimulation which, by altering electrical signals in the brain, produces life-changing outcomes for people with Parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabilitation, neuromodulation and cerebrovascular disease are just a few examples of areas our experts are exploring.

Is this course right for you?

You’re the perfect fit for this course if you’re a psychology graduate who wants to gain clinical experience and explore theory further. It’s also designed for professionals already working in the field of clinical neuroscience including doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. This means you’ll learn alongside students from a range of backgrounds which reflects the multidisciplinary nature of modern neurosciences healthcare.

We offer this course as a PgCert or MSc. For the PgCert, students only take the Foundations of Clinical Neuroscience module plus the Clinical Neuropsychology or the Health Services Delivery. This is a great option if you want to upskill but can’t commit to the full course. 

Why St George's?

  1. Practical experience – learn about delivery of neurological care in the UK context by watching clinicians use the latest evidence-based interventions on clinical placement (this is optional if you already have clinical experience).

  2. Research-active academics – learn from our experts at the Centre for Biomedical Education and Neurosciences and Cell Biology Research Institute, as well as senior clinicians from Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre.

  3. Community of change makers – we value patient voices, the equal contribution of the different health professions and awareness of structural factors.

Want to know more?

Find out more about postgraduate study at St George’s, University of London by registering for our introductory email series.

Course content

Unlike courses with similar titles, this course goes beyond theory. It’s a course about neuroscience in clinical practice. You learn how breakthroughs in the lab can shape the future of care for people with a diverse range of neurological conditions.

Working towards the MSc qualification, you’ll complete:

  • our Foundations of Clinical Neuroscience module;
  • a practical work placement with the hospital’s renowned clinical neuroscience team, including clinical neuropsychologists and clinical health psychologists (this is optional for students who already have clinical experience);
  • one or both specialist modules on Clinical Neuropsychology or Health Services Delivery for the Neurosciences;
  • at least one research support module and a dissertation.

You can also pick from optional modules from our other courses on topics like genomics or global health (subject to availability).

Sharpen your research skills

Your dissertation will focus on an area that interests you. Perhaps you’ll look at the quality of life of people living with neuromuscular disorders. Or maybe you’re interested in looking at how we can create interventions for carers.

Outside of lectures and seminars, you can get involved with our journal club, run by a clinical teaching fellow, which explores structural inequalities within this area. You’ll also attend events such as our annual conference on structural inequalities, as well as research networking events where you can present your ideas.

“I love the depth of understanding the course provides for the curriculum, allowing me to explore the latest advancements in neurology and psychiatry. The hands-on practical opportunities provide an invaluable real-world experience that's preparing me for an impactful career in mental health.”

- Maushmi Selvamani

Clinical Neuroscience Practice MSc student

Read more

“I find my studies in the UK to be very exciting. I have a great campus environment and teaching resources. As St George’s students’ study in a specialist university hospital, I felt that I could learn from not only textbook knowledge but also clinical practice. ”

- Stephanie Tao

Clinical Neuroscience Practice MSc student

Read more

Course structure

To graduate with an MSc, students must accrue 180 credits, and the necessary combination of modules varies slightly depending on your academic and career background. Advice on module choice is available from your allocated personal tutor.

To graduate with a PgCert, you must complete the Foundations in Clinical Neuroscience module, plus either the Clinical Neuropsychology or Health Services Delivery for the Neurosciences module.

Watch the Clinical Neuroscience Practice webinar from our postgraduate virtual event.

Core modules

All students will take the following modules:

  • Foundations in Clinical Neuroscience (30 credits)
  • Dissertation (60 credits)

One or both of the following must be completed depending on academic and clinical background:

  • Clinical Neuropsychology (30 credits) - compulsory for psychology track students
  • Health Services Delivery for the Neurosciences (30 credits) - compulsory for healthcare professional track students

A Clinical Placement (15 credits) is compulsory for psychology track students, and optional for qualified clinicians.

Research support modules

At least one research support module will be taken:

  • Critical Appraisal (15 credits)
  • Practical Data Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (15 credits)
  • Research Methods (15 credits)
  • Research Project Planning and Management (15 credits)
  • Statistics (15 credits)

Optional modules

Students may also accrue their remaining credits from the following optional modules, joining students from other courses:

  • Case Studies in Drug Discovery & Development (15 credits)
  • Clinical Trials (15 credits)
  • Comparative Health Systems (15 credits)
  • Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics (15 credits)*
  • Foundations of Population Health Research (15 credits)
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders (15 credits)*
  • Neuroethics (15 credits)
  • Personalised Medicine (15 credits)
  • Transcultural Mental Health Humanities (30 credits)

*Please note: regarding the genomics optional modules:

  • students should have at least some experience of studying genetics as part of their undergraduate degree;
  • students are encouraged to complete the free online course Future of Genetics in Medicine before starting the module;
  • if a student chooses to study the Genomics of Neurological Disorders module it is encouraged (but not compulsory) to also study the Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics module
  • the deadline for choosing the modules is prior to the Clinical Neuroscience Practice MSc deadline;
  • If you are interested in taking these modules, please contact us in advance to discuss via 

Structural Inequalities in the Clinical Neurosciences conference

Students also attend the Structural Inequalities in the Clinical Neurosciences conference. Organised by the course team, this conference will feature a series of expert speakers from the UK and internationally. The speakers will address the root causes of inequality in neuroscience research and clinical care, and point to solutions for overcoming these.

Exit awards

Students who complete the Foundations module and either Clinical Neuropsychology or Health Service Delivery and choose to demit at this point will be eligible for a PgCert.

Students who complete 120 credits of taught modules or 105 credits plus a clinical placement will be eligible for a PgDip.

Course start date

The course will start with enrolment and induction activities on 8 - 9 September 2025. Topics covered will include the virtual learning platform, library and careers service as well as course specific sessions. There will also be keynote speakers and a social event where students from a variety of postgraduate taught courses can get to know each other.

Sample timetables

Full-time MSc sample timetable 2024-25 (PDF)

Part-time module selection guidance (PDF)

Core modules

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Foundations of Clinical Neuroscience (30 credits)

The module provides a foundation to understand the organisation and function of the human nervous system, emphasising that pathologies tend to affect specific locations and can therefore produce predictable clinical effects. The module will focus on common neurological disorders and common psychiatric disorders, detailing their underlying pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. The module will also emphasise that experience of neurological illness comes about through the combination of neuropathology with the individual patient’s beliefs, personality and social milieu and their cognitive, affective and behavioural responses to symptoms and impairments. The module will also explore the relationship between race and ethnicity and neuroscientific knowledge and health disparities for individuals with common neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Health Service Delivery for the Clinical Neurosciences (30 credits)

This module will equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of modern healthcare provision as it applies to neurological and related fields. Teaching content will cover, through a range of methods including lectures, workshops, Q&A sessions and tutorials, three core elements:

  1. The commissioning, structure, staffing and monitoring of neuroscience clinical care (including the use of service user feedback)
  2. The relevant quality and safety standards and guidelines and how these are produced, including the underlying evidence base
  3. The wider context including integration of specialist, community and social care, social determinants of neurological health and the prevention of neurological disease.

Clinical Neuropsychology (30 credits)

This module will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practice of clinical psychology within neuroscience settings. Teaching content will cover, through a range of methods including lectures, workshops, group work, and ‘meet the practitioner’ sessions, three primary topics:

  1. Psychological aspects of major neurological conditions, including in the domains of cognition, emotion and behaviour
  2. The clinical assessment of cognitive function
  3. Clinical neuropsychological rehabilitation and interventions.

A key emphasis will be how the discipline contributes to improving patient care and service delivery for the diverse communities we work within. Assessment will be via a group presentation relevant to the role of the psychologist in the clinical neurosciences, and an essay that addresses the integration of theory and practice in clinical neuropsychology. Students completing the module will have a sound critical appreciation of the relevant theoretical models and principles that underpin clinical neuropsychology, alongside an appreciation of their practical implementation, which will be excellent preparation for undertaking clinical work in multidisciplinary neuroscience settings as well as applied research in this domain.

Research support modules

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Critical Appraisal (15 credits)

This module will teach you how to critically appraise research literature relevant to your field of study, covering the principles of critical appraisal, techniques and models for critiquing papers, as well as reviewing relevant research designs and analysis methods and appraisal of key papers in the relevant specialist field, including educational research.

When you have successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the research paradigms and theoretical foundations underlying published research papers
  • Critically evaluate the design, methods, analyses and conclusions of published papers
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of contrasting approaches to research questions adopted in published papers
  • Critically assess the contributions made by published papers they have evaluated to the current state of knowledge in their specialist field
  • Make recommendations for further research resulting from an analysis of published work which they have evaluated.

Practical Data Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (15 credits)

This module will enable you to develop skills in understanding, critically interpreting and extracting data. You will be taught appropriate qualitative and quantitative data analysis methodologies, and how to communicate and present results appropriately in plain English. You will learn about both quantitative and qualitative data. Topics covered include graphs and descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, tests, regression, and the practical collection of qualitative data using interviews and focus groups.

This module will give you the skills to:

  • Critically analyse and apply a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches to data analysis, and select the most relevant approach for a given research question scenario
  • Plan and implement practical analyses of both qualitative and quantitative datasets using a range of techniques, and using computer packages where appropriate
  • Critically interpret the results of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, with reference to underlying methodology, study design, method of data collection, rigour and validity
  • Synthesise theories of research designs with the relevant data analysis
  • Identify, evaluate and select appropriate methods for presenting the results of qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Research Methods (15 credits)

This module will introduce you to a range of research approaches and methods. You will learn how to:

  • Critically evaluate the characteristics of high quality, ethical research
  • Set realistic and appropriate aims, objectives and research questions for research projects
  • Identify different types of study design, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and select appropriate designs in practice
  • Critically evaluate the importance of a range of study design issues including those related to evaluating and ensuring rigour in research
  • Systematically review the published research evidence for a specific research question.

Research Project Planning and Management (15 credits)

This module covers the knowledge, attributes and skills required to succeed as a professional researcher as defined in the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF), which is endorsed by organisations including Research Councils UK.

The module addresses the key RDF domains:

  • personal effectiveness;
  • research governance and organisation;
  • engagement, influence and impact.

It will help you further develop the critical responses and skills necessary to plan and execute projects successfully and in a timely manner, as a first step to seeing yourself as a researcher helping to advance your area of study.

This module will give you the skills to:

  • appraise the framework for research governance and legislation affecting research;
  • examine the need for ethical and other approval before commencing research;
  • communicate effectively with supervisors, research participants, research team members and those giving permission for research;
  • critically evaluate the implications of their work to health and safety and intellectual property legislation;
  • communicate effectively by reflecting on the different perspectives in the research.

Statistics (15 credits)

This module will introduce you to the underlying principles and structure of statistical thinking, along with the latest methods for analysing data collected using quantitative study designs. It will help you develop the skills to critically appraise the statistical methods used in research papers, interpret the results, and evaluate the conclusions. It will give you confidence in interpreting and discussing methods and statistics in biomedical, healthcare, and clinical literature, and when utilising statistics and statistical methods in your own research.

When you have successfully completed of the module, you will be able to:

  • Critically appraise the statistical methods used in research papers
  • Analyse and interpret the results of the statistical analyses presented in research papers
  • Critically appraise the inferences made based on the statistical analyses presented in research papers
  • Choose and critique modern-day statistical techniques in order to analyse quantitative data when undertaking research projects at the postgraduate level
  • Propose and synthesise suitable inferences based on the results of the statistical analysis of your own research data.

Optional modules

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Case Studies in Drug Discovery & Development (15 credits)

The development of new medicines generally begins with breakthroughs in basic science, leading to target identification and lead development, then pre-clinical and clinical trials before translation to patients (clinical efficacy) and eventually into practice (implementation). Biomedical scientists work at any stage along this translational “bench-to-bedside” process. The first half of this module will illustrate the translational research arc by focusing specifically on malaria, covering the natural history of malaria, the life cycle of the malaria parasite, followed by an overview of the discovery and development of early antimalarials, clinical studies and resistance reversal strategies.

In the second half of the module, students will be introduced to great variety of translational research projects carried out by researchers at City St George’s.

Clinical Trials (15 credits)

The data generated from randomised controlled clinical trials are considered to be the most robust in an era of evidence-based research. Understanding the principles underpinning clinical trials and the complexities involved in set-up and management enables a broad appreciation of the validity and reliability of the trial results and how trials are conducted in real world settings.

This 15-credit module will introduce students to these important principles and concepts. Teaching sessions will be delivered by lecture with accompanying practical sessions, quizzes and online courses to consolidate knowledge.

Early lectures will introduce clinical trial related concepts and theories along with fundamental knowledge, while subsequent lectures, presented by experts in the field (internal and external to SGUL), will focus on specific aspects of trial conduct. Students will be encouraged to read and understand the research literature through assigned pre-lecture reading each week and via seminar style Q&A sessions at the end of each lecture.

Importantly, an online research ethics course and good clinical practice (GCP) course will form part of the ICA with a certificate awarded on successful completion. This is a key requirement for those working within clinical trials. Students will complete practical sessions based on the topic of the preceding lecture. Work from the practical sessions will be documented in a practical session notebook, which will count towards the ICA. The final part of the ICA will involve a written assignment (in the form of a mini protocol) where students will be asked to design a clinical trial to answer a specific research question. This will test the students’ fundamental knowledge and critical assessment of trial design, implementation, ethics, analysis and reporting.

The final sessions of the module will draw together the key themes explored with a presentation on landmark trials from experts in the field.

Comparative Health Systems (15 credits)

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a health care system as consisting of: ‘All organizations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health. This includes efforts to influence determinants of health as well as more direct health-improving activities’ (WHO:2007). This is a necessarily simplified definition, but it does point to the complexity of Health System objectives, functions, and infrastructure. This module will focus on addressing the following series of questions and challenges that directly relate to the comparative analysis of health policy and health systems.

Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics (15 credits)

This module will cover the structure and variations in the human genomics, including fundamental principles of genetics and genomics. Students undertaking this module will review the architecture of the human genome and the functional units embedded in it. Students will also cover aspects of gene regulation and chromatin structure and consider the importance of the epigenome in these processes. In addition, this module will cover DNA sequence variation and structural variation; how this sort of variation is normal but that sometimes it can be associated with disease. Classic chromosomal abnormalities will be described and the mechanisms that lead to them explained. Students will learn about monogenic and multifactorial genetic disorders and how gene mapping and sequencing can be used to identify causal and contributory variants. In essence, this module covers what the genome is, what abnormalities can arise and how they arise, as well as how they can be detected.

Please note: students taking this module should have some experience of studying genetics as part of their undergraduate degree. Students are encouraged to complete the free online course Future of Genetics in Medicine before starting the module. The deadline for choosing this module is prior to the Clinical Neuroscience Practice MSc application deadline. If you are interested in taking this module, please contact us in advance to discuss via

Foundations of Population Health Research (15 credits)

The health research spectrum ranges from controlled environments such as laboratory experiments, to interventional and observational population settings. Clinical trials are somewhere in the middle of this wide range of approaches in terms of the extent of control that researchers can exert through carefully planned design and concerted efforts for data collection accuracy.

Observational studies aim at understanding “real world" information collected without researchers’ attempts to alter it or interfere. This module is aiming at structuring a series of challenges that these setting present to researchers and at demonstrating the principles, approaches and solutions commonly applied to overcome them.

Population-based policies and changes in clinical practice rely on both descriptive and inferential data analyses. Inferential studies seek to produce reproducible results or estimates that can be generalized to large populations. Understanding patterns in population health and the interconnected pathways between disease, demographics, lifestyle, socioeconomic factors, environmental exposures, and interventions is crucial for designing efficient, evidence-based public health policies.

This module will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of public health, epidemiology, study designs, measures of association between diseases and potential risk factors, and the statistical methods used to quantify their magnitude and significance. Students will be guided through all phases of the research development lifecycle, from the initial research question and the importance of pilot and feasibility studies to complex observational epidemiological settings, such as cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and longitudinal studies.

The associated statistical concepts and techniques will include not only simple hypothesis testing but also basic elements of statistical modelling, addressing bias and confounding in observational studies, and methods to minimize them. An introduction to the Bayesian framework for statistical inference may also be included, depending on the students’ level of attainment in statistics.

The R programming language will be used as a tool for exploring, understanding, and analysing population data. Emphasis will be placed on understanding when and why specific statistical techniques are applicable or tailored to certain epidemiological designs and measures, the necessary assumptions for their validity, and how to apply them effectively.

Genomics of Neurological Disorders (15 credits)

This module explores the contribution of genomics to neurological disorders. Students will receive refresher sessions focussed on neuroanatomy and the development of the neurological system followed by an introduction to the key diagnostic tools used in neurology. They will learn about the major neurological disorder categories which have a high genetic contribution. The module will explore the value of the multidisciplinary team in phenotyping, interpretation of results, management and family communication.

Please note: students taking this module should have some experience of studying genetics as part of their undergraduate degree. Students are encouraged to complete the free online course Future of Genetics in Medicine before starting the module. It is encouraged (but not compulsory) to also take the Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics module. The deadline for choosing this module is prior to the Clinical Neuroscience Practice MSc application deadline. If you are interested in taking this module, please contact us in advance to discuss via

Neuroethics (15 credits)

In this module you will look at the last decades of swift developments in neuroscience, cognitive science and neuro-technologies from an ethical perspective, and examine some of the most interesting challenges brought forward by modern medicine. Since its conception in 2002, neuroethics as a discipline aimed to address ethical and social challenges raised by the recent boom in neuro- and cognitive science and reflect on the impact of neurotechnologies on patients and the society at large. Brain imaging in clinical practice and research raise issues of privacy, confidentiality and communication of incidental findings.

‘Pictures of the brain’ seem to ‘fire up’ not only neurons of research participants but also viewers’ imagination, and facilitate research on the neural correlates of various cognitive functions, sometimes changing our understanding of what it means to have a ‘free will,’ ‘be responsible’ or even ‘be dead’. But how clinical and non-clinical applications of neurotechnologies impact our autonomy, agency and are the benefits of scientific research and access to those technologies justly distributed? Should we engage in cosmetic pharmacology, pharmacological mood brightening or cognitive enhancement? During the module students will engage with those problems, and gain ethical reasoning tools, concepts and perspectives necessary to address those current questions. 

Personalised Medicine (15 credits)

The ultimate goal of personalised, or precision, medicine is to create healthcare strategies that are tailored to each individual patient. This will be achieved by integrating molecular information with traditional clinical and pathological signs of disease. Advances in genomic technologies have provided new perspectives across medicine, particularly in screening, diagnosis, disease classification and treatment. This module explores how this research is being translated into clinical practice to make personalised medicine a reality.

Personalised medicine is not limited to pharmacogenetics (which examines the effect of genetic variation on drug targets, metabolism, efficacy and toxicity) but looks more broadly at how molecular profiling can influence health outcomes. Examples include molecular therapies used in oncology, advances in pre-natal screening and management of infection. We also consider ethical and social issues surrounding personalised medicine, including patient responses to genetic testing, the challenge of translating research results into clinical practice, genetic discrimination and regulation.

Examples are drawn from cancer, infection and other clinical specialties.

Transcultural Mental Health Humanities (30 credits)

The module offers a unique opportunity to address global mental health through viewing transcultural psychiatry from a humanities perspective and to challenge the dominance of a western medicalised way of categorising mental disorders. To achieve this, students will be exposed to different ways of exploring mental health from humanities-based approaches. Through diverse readings, presentations, film/ documentaries, case scenarios, and seminar discussions, students will be encouraged to consider the relationship between mental health and humanities in global contexts. To this end, the module offers a conscientious approach to the material such as texts and resources that students will engage with and will have a special focus on storytelling and trauma. For example, publications or representations of speech/art from exiled writers and narratives from health activists will be studied and critically analysed to critically consider both positive and negative aspects of mental health during adversity and trauma. The students will reflect and consider areas of mental health that they see as needing (further)recognition in global health discourses, with a heavy focus on nuanced and marginalized voices, and the role of narrative for bringing mental health injustice and human rights abuses to light for various organizations. The role of narrative in promoting mental health particularly in societies facing conflict, oppression, and lack of mental health care resources will also be analysed.

Students will be asked to become ‘advocates’ for a particular cause that they will argue is of vital importance for those engaging in global mental health. They will be asked to develop a way of addressing this issue from a humanities perspective, thus enhancing co-created methodologies, and lived experiences into narrative-based theoretical frameworks.

Optional modules are subject to availability. Read more information about our courses and university services terms and conditions.

Entry criteria

To be considered for this course, you will need to:

  • meet the entry criteria
  • write a personal statement
  • provide two suitable references
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Undergraduate degree or equivalent

There are two routes to meeting our entry criteria.

Psychology graduates

You should have or be expected to achieve, a minimum of a second class degree (2:2) in a psychology degree. All degrees must be awarded before 1 August on the year of entry.


Healthcare professionals

You should have all of the following:

  • Honours degree (2:2 or above) or primary medical degree (MBBS or equivalent). All degrees must be awarded before 1 August on the year of entry.
  • Recognised health-related professional qualification and current professional registration.
  • Minimum of 12 months' full-time clinical experience (or equivalent in part-time hours) in health or social care employment.

International qualifications

We accept equivalent qualifications gained in other countries.

Please see our Postgraduate International Equivalencies. For countries not on this list, we use UK ENIC to assess. Please see our International Student Support pages for more information.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

English Language

This is a Group 1 course.

Full details can be found on our English Language requirements webpages.

Personal statement and references

You will be asked to outline your reasons for applying for the course in a brief personal statement on the application form.

You will also need to provide two satisfactory references. One of these should be a recent academic reference and the other should be either a second academic reference or a professional/employer reference. For those unable to provide an academic referee a second professional/employer reference will be permitted.

Go to the ‘Apply’ tab for more information.

Additional requirements


Psychology graduate applicants will be interviewed to assess their suitability for the programme. This will be conducted virtually by a member of the course team.

Applications from healthcare professionals will generally be considered without interview, but the course team might invite applicants to interview where needed to assess suitability.

Fitness to Practise checks

For clinical placements, students will need to be accepted as a Clinical Observer or Clinical Attachment by St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This requires occupational health screening and might include DBS clearance depending on Trust policy for the specific role being undertaken.


You’ll work on projects within teams and learn about neurological disorders, including hearing directly from patients about their lived experience. Reflective practice is also key for expanding your expertise and becoming the best clinician you can be.

You’ll learn from academics and clinicians who have commissioned, designed, and delivered state-of-the-art clinical services. They will share their experience of working with NHS England, NICE, and other national bodies. We also give you the chance to hear from people living with neurological and related illnesses as patients or carers.


Exams, essays and reflective reports are a few examples of ways we’ll assess you. You’ll also complete a presentation as a group as part of the course. Your dissertation will also show us how you can apply your skills to address a research question.


Completing a clinical placement is mandatory for those with a pre-clinical psychology background and optional for qualified healthcare professionals. It’s a great opportunity to put theory into practice and level up your skills.

St George’s is nationally recognised as a specialist healthcare and medical higher education institution which helps us provide rewarding placement opportunities.


Everything you need for success in the health and life sciences profession is here – from opportunities to learn from professionals working on the clinical frontline to cutting-edge laboratory facilities and bio-imaging technology. 

We’re the UK’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research. We share our site with a major London teaching hospital. This means you’ll become part of a unique clinical and academic research community, mixing with the many different healthcare professionals you will go on to work alongside throughout your career.  

Library and learning technology

Our library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You’ll find silent, quiet and group learning spaces, as well as group discussion rooms.

We have a wide range of books, e-books, academic journals and other resources. You’ll also have access to online resources, such as the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment and our Hunter discovery service.

Need accessibility equipment? The library also loans noise-cancelling headphones, laptop stands, coloured overlays, desktop whiteboards, and more.

IT facilities

We have an extensive range of IT facilities, including:

  • 260 workstations in five computer suites, three of which are open 24 hours a day
  • 75 self-service laptops available
  • Free Wi-Fi covering the whole campus, including our halls of residence accommodation.

You can use these resources to access your course materials, discussion boards and feedback through Canvas.

Looking for a free space? Simply use our handy real-time computer locator.

Pathology museum

Our on-site Museum of Human Diseases houses a collection of over 2,000 pathological specimens, including those donated by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie in 1843. This space is used for small group tutorials exploring the mechanisms of disease.

University of London

BLOOM@Senate House

As St George's is part of the University of London, you have access to BLOOM@Senate House, a unique space in the heart of Bloomsbury. Senate House offers a central London base which is particularly useful if you’re studying or living further out. The area has great transport links, making it easy to access from anywhere in London or further afield.

Senate House Library

Students can join the Senate House library free of charge. Your membership includes a 10-book borrowing allowance, access to all reading rooms and study areas, and on-site access to digital resources.

Student support

From day one, you’ll become part of a community of staff and students of different ages, ethnicities, nationalities and backgrounds. Everyone you meet will have one thing in common – a passion for healthcare, science and medicine.

Whether you’re an existing healthcare professional, returning to education after a break or joining us after graduating from an undergraduate degree, we want to help you make the most of your time here. To do this, we offer a full range of academic support and student services.

Careers service

We offer 1:1 career guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate students at every stage of your professional development, from the start of your course through to graduation and beyond. As a student, you’ll also benefit from career development activities that are specifically tailored to your course.

What we offer:

  • Career guidance: We offer 30-minute 1:1 careers guidance sessions to support you in your career planning, build your confidence, and help you identify next steps on your career journey.
  • CV and application advice: We can review your applications with you, support you in presenting yourself to potential employers, tailor your applications to a particular role and help you stand out from your competition.
  • Practice interviews: Work on the content, structure, and delivery of your answers, whether that’s motivation questions, competency questions, role-specific questions or Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).
  • Interactive workshops: Our career education workshops are tailored and delivered within courses. Topics may include understanding the graduate job market, learning through reflection on career decision-making, making successful applications and making an impact at interviews.
  • Careers fairs: These are opportunities to explore career paths in different areas and specialities, meet with employers, and have valuable conversations to inform your career thinking.
  • Online support: We offer specific information tailored to each course, plus general careers support and resources relevant to whatever your career choices and direction via our Canvas Virtual Learning Environment.

Cost of Living

We know that this may be a worrying time for our students and their families. Our Cost of Living Hub contains the latest information to our community affected by the rising cost of living. We provide students with various financial support, budgeting advice as well as employability options.

Disability support

If you require reasonable adjustments or disability services, you can find information on our disability information for students pages. For any further information please contact the disability adviser.

The Graduate School

Our Graduate School brings together postgraduate students from different disciplines, allowing you to support and learn from each other while expanding your professional networks.

The Graduate School works closely with our research institutes and provides opportunities for personal and professional development. You’ll also have access to a postgraduate common room where postgraduate students and early career researchers can study and socialise.

Induction programme

Our induction sets you up for your studies and helps you feel part of the University. As well as course-specific activities, we run an online ‘Get Started’ module which provides information about:

  • Social and enrichment activities
  • Student safety
  • Wellbeing and learning support
  • Study skills
  • Our library facilities
  • Careers and employability services

International student support

Our International Students Support service is part of the Student Life Centre and provides information on visas, settlement schemes, enrolment and more. To find out more, visit our EU and international support pages.

If you’re an international student, get in touch with the team as soon as you accept your offer via

Mental health support

St George’s has a confidential, free and impartial counselling service available to all students. You can also access services through our Student Life Centre and our online resources. This includes links to NHS resources, apps, podcasts and websites dedicated to mental health and wellbeing.

Personal academic tutor

When you start your course, we’ll allocate you a personal tutor. This is a member of the academic team who you’ll see regularly to monitor your progress and pick up any problems, both academic and personal. Even if they don’t have the answer, they’ll point you in the right direction towards the support you need.

Student Ambassador Scheme

Our Student Ambassadors support student recruitment events, widening participation activities such as Science Stars and schemes such as Unibuddy Reps. Our Student Ambassadors also help with one-off or less regular events and creating student generated content like blogs and videos.

Student Life Centre

Our Student Life Centre team can help you with every aspect of student life including:

  • Finances
  • Accommodation
  • Exams and assessment
  • Academic procedures
  • Admissions
  • International queries
  • Disability and wellbeing
  • Confidential counselling service

Your personal tutor can also signpost you to relevant support.

Students’ Union

St George's Students' Union (SU) is an independent organisation run by students for students. The SU runs a wide range of events and is home to the SU Bar and Shop, music room, dance studios and meeting rooms. The team also provides welfare support for all students, with an open-door policy.

Want to join a sports team? Eager to try something new? We encourage you to take part in the wide range of sports, social and cultural activities and events on offer. From fencing to hockey, yoga to hiking, we have over 100 clubs and societies so you can be sure to find something that will interest you.

Our popular ‘Mums and Dads’ buddy scheme is organised by the Students’ Union. Every first year has the choice of being assigned a ‘parent’ from the year above in their respective course. The returning student acts as a go to for advice about courses and university life.

Students with children

Juggling study and parenthood can be difficult, particularly if you’re taking a demanding medical or healthcare degree. Our Student Parents and Carers Empowered (SPACE) society is a group run by studying parents that meets monthly to support each other and discuss how to balance family life with studying. For more information, email the SPACE society.


We’re here to help you develop the academic skills you need to succeed and make the most of our library collections.

  • Sessions and tutorials on literature searches, keyword searches and using databases
  • Training materials for academic planning, reading and writing to develop key transferable skills
  • 1:1 meetings for a tailored approach to your academic support needs


By the end of the course, you’ll have what it takes to shape the future of neuroscience healthcare delivery, with practical experience on your CV and advanced expertise in the psychology of neurological conditions.

Our graduates understand neurological and related illnesses from theoretical, clinical, and lived experience perspectives. You’ll also be able to deliver research and quality improvement ideas that will make an impact in your workplace.

  • Psychology graduates – the course will provide an immersive experience in clinical neuropsychology. Your clinical placement will help you apply your skills to the real world of NHS clinical psychology practice.

  • Qualified healthcare professionals – the course will make you more confident in neuroscience theory and the Health Services Delivery module will give you the skills to develop and improve neuroscience clinical services.

Most students will go on to clinical roles, but there are also opportunities in other areas of healthcare. For example, you might start a career in the pharmaceutical industry with an organisation that has an interest in developing new drugs for patients with neurological conditions.

Fees and funding

In this tab you will find the financial information for this course of study, including details of financial support.

Tuition fees

2025 UK Entry (home)

  • Full-time MSc: £10,950

  • Part-time MSc (2 years): £5,850 per annum

  • Part-time PgCert (1 year): £3,950

2025 International (including EU)

  • Full-time MSc: £16,750

  • Part-time MSc (2 years): £8,850 per annum

  • Part-time PgCert (1 year): £6,050

We do not expect students to incur any extra costs over and above those that we have advertised on the course page. To get the most from your studies, you will need your personal computer or laptop and an internet connection in your home. Find out more about technology requirements.

Funding your study

We have a range of funding opportunities available for students. You may be eligible for the following.

How to apply

Before beginning your application please check the entry criteria of the course you wish to study to ensure you meet the required standards.

Applications must be submitted through our online application system, which you can access below. Guidance on submitting an application can be found on our how to apply webpage.

Access our online application system

1. Select the relevant application link and create an account:

2. Once you have created your account, you will be able to complete an application form and upload any relevant documents. You can save a partly completed form and return to it later. Please make sure you complete all sections. Please make sure that the information you provide is accurate, including the options you select in menus.

3. Add to your address book to ensure you do not miss any important emails from us.

4. When you have checked that your application is complete and accurate, click ‘submit’.

You can track your application through your online account.

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Guidance for completing references

When completing your application, you will be asked to provide contact details of two referees. Please ensure these details are accurate. As soon as you have submitted your application, your referees will be contacted by the university asking them to upload a reference to your online application.

One must be a recent academic reference. The other should be either a second academic reference or a professional/employer reference. They should cover your suitability for the course and your academic ability.

Your referees should know you well enough, in an official capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education. We do not accept references from family, friends, partners, ex-partners or yourself.

We will send reminder emails to your referees but it is your responsibility to ensure that contact details are correct and referees are available to submit a reference. References should be uploaded within two weeks of making your application.

Find out more about our outstanding faculty of academics and clinicians.

Dr Catherine Doogan

Dr Catherine Doogan
Course co-director; module lead for Clinical Neuropsychology, dissertation and clinical placement

Dr Catherine Doogan is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who has worked with people with neurological conditions for over 20 years. Catherine has led and developed various services including Neurorehabilitation OnLine (N-ROL). She also co-developed a Vocational Rehabilitation Service and has experience delivering neuropsychological interventions to people with aphasia and their carers.

From a research perspective Catherine has led NIHR-funded clinical trial teams in creating digital neurological intervention apps for people with aphasia after stroke and dementia. She also developed and delivered a Virtual Reality intervention for people with Visual Inattention.

Catherine has a teaching degree as well as her Clinical Psychology doctorate and PgDip in Neuropsychology. She is passionate about delivering innovative ways for a diverse groups to learn. She is the research lead for the Clinical Health and Neuropsychology Department where she is developing placements and research projects regarding evidence-based interventions in neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Dr Jeremy Isaacs

Dr Jeremy Isaacs photo
Course co-director 

Dr Jeremy Isaacs is a consultant neurologist at St George’s and Kingston Hospitals and Honorary Senior Lecturer at St George’s, University of London. He has a specialist interest in cognitive neurology and dementia and is Clinical Director of the NHS London Dementia Clinical Network, where he led the first London and national memory service audits. He was a member of the NICE 2018 dementia guideline committee, chaired the NICE 2022 self-harm guideline committee and chairs the NICE lower urinary tract symptoms in men, trans and non-binary people with a prostate guideline committee.

Jeremy is Neurology Clinical Lead at Kingston Hospital, Neurosciences Clinical Academic Group Director at St George’s Hospital/University and Specialty Research Lead for Neurological Disorders and DeNDRoN for South London Clinical Research Network. He runs a multi-disciplinary cognitive neurology service at St George’s Hospital where he has developed a support group for young people living with dementia funded by the Hospital Charity.

Jeremy studied medicine at Cambridge University and University College London. He subsequently held junior research posts at KCL Institute of Psychiatry and UCL Institute of Neurology. His PhD was on the immunology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

Dr Ania Crawshaw

Dr Ania Crawshaw headshot
Clinical teaching fellow

Dr Ania Crawshaw is the clinical teaching fellow on the MSc in Clinical Neuroscience Practice and a senior neurology registrar at St George’s Hospital, London. She has a special interest in neurology education, having previously worked as a neurology teaching fellow, lecturing to both Cardiff University and more recently SGUL medical students. She has been nominated for and won various teaching awards in these roles.

Other teaching experience includes working as a lecturer for PassPACES, teaching doctors preparing for their postgraduate medical examinations, and creating an open access online course for healthcare professionals about Functional Neurological Disorder on Although Ania’s main clinical interests are in movement disorders and functional neurological disorder, she retains a love for general neurology and takes pleasure in sharing this with her students. Wherever possible, she prioritises incorporating in her teaching the voices of her patients, alongside their families and carers.

Dr Gill Cumberbatch

Gill bio pic
Module lead Health Service Delivery for the Neurosciences

Dr Gill Cumberbatch is a Stroke nurse consultant at St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust and module lead for ‘Health Service Delivery for the Clinical Neurosciences’ on the MSc in Clinical Neuroscience Practice. She completed her nurse training at Glasgow University followed by an MSc at King’s College London and a subsequent PhD on patient, carers and clinician views on communication about thrombolysis treatment. Her current role as stroke nurse consultant at encompasses the whole patient pathway including thrombectomy, hyper-acute care, inpatient care, research, outpatient stroke clinics and stroke prevention. She is the principle investigator for a number of stroke clinical research trials.

She is the joint Clinical Director for stroke in London and until recently was the stroke care group lead for St George’s Hospital. She jointly leads the National thrombectomy nursing group. She is a member of the Royal College of Physicians Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party and peer review project. She was part of the Guideline Development Group for the Stroke National Clinical Guidelines. She is also an honorary lecturer and co-convenor of the Acute Care module of the MSc in stroke at University College London. Internationally she has worked with stroke services in Guyana, Russia, Vietnam and China to improve stroke care.

Professor Atticus Hainsworth

Dr Atticus Hainsworth
Course deputy director 

Atticus H Hainsworth is Reader in Cerebrovascular Disease at St George’s University of London, UK. He is an expert in the pathology of cerebral small vessel disease, the primary cause of lacunar stroke and vascular cognitive impairment. His interests are in the pathological processes that underlie small vessel disease and associated white matter lesions. He has explored pathogenic mechanisms of small vessel disease in human brain tissue derived from large cohorts (primarily the OPTIMA and MRC-CFAS cohorts). He has explored animal models relevant to small vessel disease, see Hainsworth et al (2017) below.

Atticus received his undergraduate training in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and his PhD in Physiology & Biophysics from Rush Medical Center, Chicago. He was Chief Investigator on the PASTIS trial, testing tadalafil for possible use in vascular dementia. He leads the Vascular Health theme within the MRC-funded Dementias-PlatformUK.

Dr Dean Semmens

Dean Semmens
Module lead Foundations of Clinical Neuroscience

Dr Dean Semmens is a Lecturer in Neuropharmacology at St George’s University of London.

Dr Semmens obtained a first-class degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Bath, where he also spent time at Eli Lilly as part of a neurodegeneration drug-hunting team focusing on targets in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. He obtained a PhD in Neuroscience and subsequently undertook two Postdoctoral Research Assistant positions at Queen Mary University of London. Following a position as a Lecturer in Neuroscience at Barts and the London, Dr Semmens joined St George’s University of London.

Dr Semmens currently leads the Life Control module on the Medicine (MBBS5) degree programme, whilst also leading The Central Nervous System, Mental Health, Gut and Skin module on the Pharmacy (with Kingston University) degree programme. Dr Semmens teaches and supervises students in the areas of neuroscience and pharmacology on the Biomedical Science, Clinical Pharmacology, Medicine, and Pharmacy degree programmes.

Dr Semmens has obtained a Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CILT) at Queen Mary University of London and a PgCert in Healthcare and Biomedical Education at St George’s University of London, leading to Fellowship of Advance HE.

Apply now


One year full-time; two years part-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025

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