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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Quick links for international applicants

  • eVisas - The UK Visas and Immigration Service (UKVI) is moving to a digital immigration system. Find out more in Latest Immigration News.
  • Pre-departure guide (PDF) - This guide contains practical pre-arrival and induction information for students coming to City St George's, University of London Tooting campus.
  • Student Visa Sponsorship and CAS Issuing Policy - This document sets out the policy regarding sponsorship of prospective and existing students.
  • Staying safe in the UK (PDF) - This guide highlights some of the health, safety and security issues you may need to be aware, offers sensible advice and list organisations to contact if you or someone you know needs help or support.
  • Student Visa Responsibilitites (PDF) - This guide outlines your immigration responsibilities and provides information on protecting your immigration status in the UK.


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