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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Welcome to St George’s Interview Hub!

This page has been designed to support applicants who have been invited to interview with their preparation; however, this content may be also useful to prospective students who want to find out more about our interview process.  

We will be inviting applicants for interview from November 2024. If you are an applicant who is invited to an interview, we are looking forward to learning more about you, and to provide you with more insight into St George's. The information and advice on these pages is designed to guide you through the interview process. Please ensure you read the information carefully. 

If you are living outside of the UK, please see our information on interviews for international/overseas applicants

Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)

We run Multiple Mini Interviews for all of our interviewing programmes. 

An MMI consists of six interview questions, which take around four minutes each. The interviewers sit at ‘stations’ and the interviewees move around them. Each ‘station’ may involve answering a question, completing a practical task, or participating in a role play, for example, dealing with a challenging situation. Each question is marked separately and independently. 

We believe that MMIs give fairer and more accurate results than a traditional interview for selecting medicine and healthcare students. This approach helps us better assess qualities that make a good healthcare professional, such as empathy and respect, rather than which applicant is strongest at answering standard interview questions. Also, if you feel one question doesn’t go very well, you can move on to the next one knowing a different interviewer will be assessing you. 

Please watch our video below to find out more about Multiple Mini Interviews at St George's. Hear from a current student about our process, what we are looking for in applicants and some top tips to consider as you prepare for your interview. 


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