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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Follow these steps to create a new page in the website.

How to create a new page

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1. Add the page to your folder

To create a new page, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the folder where this page will sit, then click New Content.

  2. Click Web Page, then select either the content-page or landing-page template. This will open the page editor screen.

new page 1

2. Fill in properties and metadata

There are a few essential steps to complete when you're creating a new page.

Title: give your page a title in the Title field, then go to the Properties tab. At the top of this section you’ll see two Publish Properties fields, File Name (used for the tree structure in the CMS) and Menu Name (what you will see in the navigation of the live website).
Note: always change the File Name to lower-case.

page properties

Metadata: to add a meta description to your page, go to the Metadata tab, then enter a 150-160 character description of what will be on your page. For example, the IMBE landing page has this meta description:
“The Institute of Medical, Biomedical and Allied Health Education is home to our undergraduate science programmes, clinical education facilities and technology enhanced learning resources.”


3. Restructuring your pages
Read our guidance on website structure if you need to re-order your pages.
4. Setting homepages

The first page of each new section will need to be set as the folder’s homepage. This generally will apply to all landing pages, or any content pages functioning as a landing page.

  1. Click on the page.

  2. Click Make Folder Homepage.

  3. This will turn the page’s icon into an orange home symbol.

setting homepage


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