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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Who we are

The purpose of the Education Technology Monitoring Group (ETMG) is to provide a cross-functional group where the inter-dependencies and impact of any potential operational process, system change and/or maintenance, relevant to education technology can be reviewed and assessed in order to determine the required steps to ensure the efficient and effective running of City St George's, University of London.

Read our terms of reference for the group (.docx)

The main responsibilities of the group are:

  • Act as an advisory group for business process change and (wider) initiatives

  • Be informed of work derived in the development pipeline process

  • Take responsibility to assess, assure and make recommendation to the Information Systems Board and/or Education & Students Strategy Committee on education technology change

  • Communicate to individuals (as appropriate)

  • Support decisions made by the Information Systems Board and/or Education & Students Strategy Committee.

  • Undertake the above responsibilities in context of the CSGUL’s Mission, Ethos and Strategy. 

The aim is that any new/change requests will be passed through ETMG, where the group can review and provided recommendations as required. The process flow diagram can be found below.

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Process flow diagram

 New Ed Tech Flow Chart 2022

(Click on the diagram above to download as a PDF).

The diagram outlines the steps and processes when identifying a new Education Technology Monitoring Group Process:

Step 1: Identify a need for a new educational technology system or changes to an existing technology system.

Step 2: Liaise with key stakeholders

Step 3: Change request form completed

Step 4: ETMG meeting

Step 5: Depending on the outcome of discussion in the ETMG, three outcomes could be achieved:

a) Recommended by ETMG
b) Insufficient Information
c) Further Review

A)      Recommended by ETMG

  1. Information Systems Board (ISB) outcome not approved > refer back to step 2 (Liaise with key stakeholders) and follow the process again.
  2. Information Systems Board (ISB) outcome approved > funding and resourcing approval > project management process kicks In

B)      Insufficient Information

Refer back to step 2 (Liaise with key stakeholders) and follow the process again.

C)      Further Review

Complete review > bring review back to ETMG (step 4) and follow the process again.

Current technologies  

ETMG has established a list of technologies which are classed as education technology within the institution. Please refer to this systems catalogue list (PDF) to see which resources are available before new ones are sought.  

In addition, a Venn diagram shows the technologies and their classifications. (PDF) 

Education Technology Change Request and New Request Forms

Those wishing to propose changes to existing systems should first review the current list of technologies (systems catalogue) to see if there is an existing tool which could provide the need (or with some modification), a conversation with CTiE would help identify a way to proceed. Following this an Education Technology change request form should be completed and submitted with supported documents where required.

Considerations for new technologies: 

  • Does a system at CSGUL already exist that has the functionality to do what is required: 

  • Review the systems catalogue (linked above) 

  • Initial discussion with CTiE to help identify the need,  

  • Consideration for where the data will be held (DPIA considerations)  

  • Have relevant stakeholders been consulted (e.g. IS, registry, CTiE)  

Each request (for change and new technologies) will be discussed at the following ETMG meeting, each request should be submitted at least 2 weeks before the meeting date to allow group member to review the papers. Those making the request will be invited to the meeting to talk to the group.  

Those requesting to introduce a new system should complete a education technology new request form which should be completed and submitted with supported documents where required.

Please email all request forms with the relevant supporting documents to

Dates scheduled for upcoming ETMG meetings:

  • Wednesday 5th February 2025
  • Wednesday 7th May 2025
  • Wednesday 6th August 2025
  • Wednesday 5th November 2025

Please contact Trupti Jivram or if you have any questions or require further information.


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