Accounts Receivable
Role: The Accounts Receivable section within the Finance department is solely responsible for the timely invoicing and collection of debts to City St George’s School of Health and Medical Sciences (Tooting). Debts arise from tuition and accommodation fees, NHS, research and sundry.
Location: Accounts Receivable is located in the Finance office, ground floor, Hunter Wing .
Contact details
Deborah Davidson, Accounts Receivable Administrator, ext. 2554
Rukayat Yussuf, Accounts Receivable Administrator, ext. 5028
Barbara Skalbania, Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Administrator, ext. 5183
Ledish Ratnakumar, Financial Transactions Supervisor, ext. 5775
General email: Accounts Receivable
Key responsibilities
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In the event that an invoice is required for an external organisation, the department must complete the following invoice request form (Excel) as soon as possible, and return it to the Accounts Receivable section in the Finance department (email acceptable).
Details of the New Account Set Up Process can be found here
In the event that a credit note is required for an external organisation, the department must complete the following credit note request form (Excel) as soon as possible, and return it to the Accounts Receivable section in the Finance department (email acceptable).
Details of the Sales Invoice and Credit Note process can be found here
City St George’s School of Health and Medical Sciences (Tooting) has a debtors policy which covers procedures Accounts Receivable applies to recover outstanding invoices.
Within five working days of the month-end, the credit controllers will send statements of outstanding debts to customers. If there are known to be queries, these will be resolved before statements are dispatched.
Credit controllers will instigate collection procedures, chasing customers by telephone as well as dispatching standard reminder letters. At all times, they will remain in close liaison with divisions over the reasons for non-payment and to discuss any queries raised by customers.
Where customers are persistently not paying their debts, divisions will be informed and no further sales should be made until payment has been received. Where debts look likely to be uncollectible, divisions will be warned in advance of potential write-offs.
If debts are still not collected, despite chasing by telephone and letter, then the credit controllers will instigate legal proceedings, after discussion with the division. The debt may be written back (subject to circumstance) to the originating division and written off the sales ledger. Institutes/departments will be informed when such action has been taken.
The credit controllers will regularly review all debts over six months old and instigate one of the following courses of action:
i. Any debts that are deemed irrecoverable will be written back to the originating institute/department and written off the sales ledger.
ii. Any debts that are deemed potentially recoverable with legal action will be passed to the debt collectors. The debt will be written back to institute/department and written off the sales ledger.
iii. If debts are in dispute and may be recoverable in part or in whole, then they will normally be written back to the institute/department but will not be written off the sales ledger.
Divisions will be informed, in writing, of any action taken. A credit will be given to the division if a previously written-off debt is ultimately recovered. Finance staff will normally liaise with institute/departmental managers unless heads of institutes request otherwise.