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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

All users of St George’s computing facilities, including visitors, are expected to abide by the regulations governing their use and to abide by the IT conditions of use: core regulations. More detailed explanation of these regulations can found in the IT conditions of use: guidance on core regulations (PDF).

Breach of regulations

The university's disciplinary procedures will be invoked against students and members of staff who carry out activities in contravention of its regulations.

For members of staff, the university will consider a breach of the regulations to be misconduct, which may in serious cases constitute gross misconduct, and will deal with such a breach under the terms of St George’s disciplinary procedures.

Action will be taken against students found to be in breach of the regulations under the terms of the general regulations for students.

Visitors found to be in breach of the regulations may be excluded from the premises, and their employers or appropriate college authorities may be informed.

Our regulations and policies

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