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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Information for students who owe tuition fees to the University

Please contact us if you are having difficulty paying your tuition fees! We know that you may be feeling worried but it is always best to contact the university as soon as possible to discuss your situation

  • If you miss a payment date for tuition fees you will be considered a debtor.
  • Please ensure you respond to emails you receive from the Finance department.
  • Contact the Student Finance and Policy Officer to discuss payment arrangements.
  • Your Course Team and the Exams Team cannot advise you regarding tuition fees and will refer you to speak to Finance. You can find contact details here: Finance. Or email them on
  • Please see here for information on how to pay your fees.
  • See information about Finance and Funding including tuition fee loans, grants and bursaries for living costs and financial advice.

If you miss a payment deadline and do not contact us to make arrangements the university may withdraw your access to services and ultimately withdraw your place on your course.

Please remember, the Board of Examiners will be informed and you will not be able to progress on your course if you have tuition fees owing. This means that you will not be able to re-enrol to continue your studies in the new academic year or receive your award.

This means that:

  • You will not be able to progress into the new academic year or have access to Canvas unless confirmation has been received from Finance that your fees have been settled according to deadline (see ‘Important Notes).
  • You will need to request an interruption for the whole of the new academic year, you will not be able to resume your studies partway through the year or start the year late.

  • You must not attend the university for teaching in the new academic year and you must not attend placement, you will not have the insurance that you need to attend placement.

  • If you are due to graduate you will not receive your award, a certificate or a transcript and will not be able to start in a role which is dependant on your award including your Medical Foundation Placement.

Please see the Tuition Fee Policy and the Tuition Fee Debt Collection Process.

Clearing your tuition fee debt

After you have cleared your tuition fee debt, if you need to re-enrol for the new academic year or are due to receive results or an award, please contact your Course Administration Team to facilitate this.

Please remember when you clear tuition fee debts it will take some time for the university to update your records and resolve your status. You may continue to receive fees reminders for a short time and experience delays in the full reinstatement of services. You are strongly advised to settle promptly to avoid any disruption to your studies.


  • Contact details for Finance are here. If you are onsite and wish to speak to the Finance Team please ask for them at the Student Life Centre.
  • You can speak to your Personal Tutor.
  • You can also seek support from the Students Union.
  • You can discuss fees and finance difficulties and a payment plan with the Student Finance Policy Officer,
  • If you are an international student, you should discuss implications for your immigration status with the International Advising Team,


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How can I check whether I have any outstanding fees? I didn’t know I was a debtor, how is this communicated?

You will receive an email to your SGUL account from Finance if you miss a payment or are a debtor for tuition fees. You can check with Finance regarding your outstanding fees.

When will I receive an invitation to re-enrol after clearing any outstanding fees?
Please see the Important Notes below, it is recommended that you contact your Course Administration Team when you have cleared your fees so that you can process your re-enrolment (if you have settled your fees at least 3 weeks before the start of term) as soon as possible.
When will I be given access to Canvas?
You will receive access to Canvas when you have cleared your tuition fee debts and have re-enrolled. This may take a few days.
Does being a debtor at any time affect my application for Medical Foundation?
As long as you remain registered on the course you can apply for the Medical Foundation School as usual. However, if your award is withheld due to your being a debtor you will not be able to start your Foundation year.
How long do I have to pay my debt?

Tuition fees must be paid by the date of the final instalment as set out in the Tuition Fee Policy or agreed in your payment plan. Please speak to the Student Finance Policy Officer or the Finance Team if you are unable to make this date.

Please see the Important Notes below regarding re-enrolment for the new academic year. If you are not able to make the payment dates you will not be able to commence the new academic year and you will need to apply for an Interruption of Studies for the whole of the year.

Can I get a payment plan? How?
Yes, please contact the Student Finance and Policy Officer
What happens if I can’t pay my debt?
If you can’t pay your debt you will not be able to re-enrol for the new year or receive any award which is due to you. If you are due to re-enrol you should apply for an interruption of studies, if this is approved and you pay your tuition fee debt during the year, you will be able to continue your studies at the beginning of the next academic year. Similarly any award due to you will be conferred when you have cleared your debt, please contact your Course Administration Team to facilitate this.
Will I need to take an interruption of studies, if I cannot pay my outstanding fees before the beginning of the new academic year?
Yes you will need to apply for an interruption of studies if you cannot clear your outstanding tuition fees before the beginning of the new academic year.
Will I be de-registered because of my debt?
You will be de-registered due to your debt if you do not engage with us and agree a payment plan which clears your debts. Please see the Tuition Fee Policy.

Important notes regarding re-enrolment and awards for tuition fee debtors

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Please note the following deadlines for paying tuition fee debts and re-enrolling for the new academic year.
  • If you have not cleared your tuition fee debt in full two weeks in advance of the Board of Examiners (BoE), the BoE will be informed of your debt and steps will be taken to withhold your progression and/or award. This means that you will not be able to progress into the next year of study or receive any award due. The dates of all Boards of Examiners for the current academic year are listed on the Exams Calendar here, it is your responsibility to be aware of these dates.
  • If you do not settle your outstanding fees at least two weeks before the Board of Examiners but are able to do so no later than three weeks before the start of term, you must contact your Course Administration Team who will be able to facilitate your progression or award, as appropriate and for you to re-enrol by the usual deadlines.
  • Please note that all students settling outstanding fees after the relevant Boards of Examiners, may experience delays in full reinstatement of services. You are strongly advised to settle promptly to avoid any disruption to your studies.
  • If your award is delayed due to tuition fee debt it is likely that you will not be able to attend the Graduation Ceremony.
  • If you have outstanding fees you will still be permitted to undertake resits before the beginning of the new academic year, and to apply for a third discretionary attempt where appropriate (though not take it where it falls within the new academic year and you have not yet cleared your debt).
  • You will not be able to re-enrol or continue your studies (or placements) in the new academic year unless you clear your tuition fee debt at least three weeks before the start date of the new course year (please see published Term Dates for your course).
  • You must not attend or engage with your studies for the new academic year while you are not enrolled. You must not attend placements while you are not enrolled, you are not insured and undertaking a placement in these circumstances will be treated as a professionalism issue by St George’s.
  • If you are not able to clear your tuition fee debt three weeks before the start date of the new course year you will not be able to recommence your studies until the subsequent academic year (and only then if you have cleared your debt). You will need to apply to interrupt your studies for a year. This will have implications for your student finance and, where relevant, for your immigration status.
  • Please note that if you have a payment plan which goes beyond 1st May you will be considered a debtor for the purpose of these processes until your tuition fees are paid in full.
  • This advice applies to students with tuition fee debts. It does not apply to student who owe Library, Accommodation or other fees.
  • Any year out will count toward your Maximum period of registration, so you may need to apply for an extension, please see here.
  • Please note that the deadline for you to complete re-enrolment is three weeks after the start date of your course year. You must complete re-enrolment by this date.
  • You should seek advice from the Student Finance Policy Officer regarding the implications of a year out for Student Finance, NHS Bursary or other funding. Where relevant you should consult the International Advising Team regarding your Immigration status (e.g. student visa or settlement under the EU Settlement Scheme).
  • You may also wish to seek support from your Personal Tutor or the Students Union.


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