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Page components are visual elements that you can add to your content.

The page component icon highlighted in the CMS.To add a component to a page:

  1. use the folder structure on the left-hand side to navigate to “site-elements” > “page-components”

    • content-components contains all components to add to content pages

    • global-components can be added to both content and landing pages

    • home-and-landing-components contains components for landing pages

  2. click on a component's icon and drag it into the content editor area

  3. drop it where you would like the component to appear.

To edit a component:

  1. right-click on the blue box

  2. select Webcontrol properties — this will bring up an editing window

  3. each component has its own set of editable properties — use the links below for a full guide to editing each component.

 Editing page components


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